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Python中的Treeview Tkinter库中的图像

[英]Image in treeview Tkinter library in Python

I'm creating treeview in Python tkinter library. 我正在Python tkinter库中创建treeview。 I would like to have an icon of image next to every node which represent file. 我想在代表文件的每个节点旁边都有一个图像图标。 I have created function, but I don't know why image appears only in last node. 我已经创建了函数,但是我不知道为什么图像仅出现在最后一个节点中。

    def populate_tree(self, parent, fullpath, children):
    for child in children:
        cpath = os.path.join(fullpath, child).replace('\\', '/')

        if os.path.isdir(cpath):
            cid = self.tree.insert(parent, END, text=child,
                                   values=[cpath, 'directory'])
            self.tree.insert(cid, END, text='dummy')
            if (child != "Thumbs.db"):
                self.pic = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file=cpath)
                self.tree.insert(parent, END, text=child, image=self.pic,
                     values=[cpath, 'file','{} bajtów'.format(os.stat(cpath).st_size)])


And disappear if next node is extended... 如果下一个节点被扩展,则消失...


I think this has to do with not saving references to the images. 我认为这与不保存对图像的引用有关。 for every file you create a new image: self.pic = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file=cpath) and I guess Python creates a new object, and the objects representing the previous images gets garbage collected. 对于每个文件,您都会创建一个新图像: self.pic = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file=cpath) ,我想Python会创建一个新对象,并且代表先前图像的对象会被垃圾回收。

I made an example in which I create the images outside the function scope and then use them while creating the treeview items: 我举了一个例子,在其中我创建了功能范围之外的图像,然后在创建树视图项目时使用它们:

import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk

root = tk.Tk()
tree = ttk.Treeview(root)

# Create a list of thumbnail images associated with filenmes
thumbnails = ['thumb1.png','thumb2.png','thumb3.png']
images = []
for thumb in thumbnails:

def populate_tree():
    folder = tree.insert('', 'end', text='Folder')
    for i in range(3):
        filename = 'Image_' + str(i)
        tree.insert(folder, 'end', text=filename, image=images[i])


In my example I use a list of thumbnails to make it simple. 在我的示例中,我使用缩略图列表使其变得简单。 If you have many files you might want to use a dict to associate thumbnails and files. 如果您有许多文件,则可能要使用字典来关联缩略图和文件。

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