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[英]php script and die report

i have inherit some scripts and they work as intended but they all send certain error report. 我已经继承了一些脚本,它们可以按预期工作,但是它们都发送某些错误报告。 I am not strong in PHP so i am looking for some wisdom here. 我不擅长PHP,因此我在这里寻找一些智慧。

heres the sample of script. 这是脚本示例。

It listen to user activity and by UserID sets time stamp in DB telling us that user is active. 它监听用户活动,并通过UserID在数据库中设置时间戳,告诉我们该用户处于活动状态。

header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');

$db = "xxx";//Your database name
$dbu = "xxx";//Your database username
$dbp = "xxx";//Your database users' password
$host = "xxx";//MySQL server - usually localhost

$link = mysqli_connect($host,$dbu,$dbp,$db);

if (!$link) {
    die(file_put_contents('error.dat', "activity connect db link fail: \n". mysqli_connect_error()));
//mysqli_set_charset($link, "utf8")
if (!mysqli_set_charset($link, "utf8")) {
    //printf("Error loading character set utf8: %s\n", mysqli_error($link));
//} else {
    //printf("Current character set: %s\n", mysqli_character_set_name($link));


     //Lightly sanitize the GET's to prevent SQL injections and possible XSS attacks
     $uid = strip_tags(mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['uid']));
     $sql = mysqli_query($link, "UPDATE ACTIVITY SET time=NOW() WHERE uid='$uid' ");

    die(file_put_contents('error activity.dat', "activity $sql insert failed: \n". mysqli_connect_error()));

     //echo 'some error...';

mysqli_close($link);//Close off the MySQL connection to save resources.

iw checked... script makes correct DB entry but it also creates error activity.dat with message: activity 1 insert failed: iw checked ...脚本可以输入正确的数据库,但它还会创建带有消息的错误activity.dat:活动1插入失败:

Question now is... is this benign and shud i just comment that so it wont create any more error files or script needs some fixing? 现在的问题是...这是一个良性和混乱的问题,我只是评论说它将不会再创建任何错误文件或脚本,需要进行一些修复?

Thank you! 谢谢!

Its working according to your code: 它根据您的代码工作:

    die(file_put_contents('error activity.dat', "activity $sql insert failed: \n". mysqli_connect_error()));

Which means if $sql is true then put error message in activity.dat 这意味着如果$ sql为true,则将错误消息放入activity.dat

Make it like this 像这样

    die(file_put_contents('error activity.dat', "activity $sql insert failed: \n". mysqli_connect_error()));

Which means if $sql is not true then put error message in activity.dat 这意味着如果$ sql不是true,则将错误消息放入activity.dat

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