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[英]Generic type methods shortcut

I recently wrote a logger class which gets initialized in my IoC . 我最近写了一个记录器类,该类在IoC初始化。

public static class IoC() {
    public static ILogger Logger => IoC.Get<ILogger>();

ILogger has generic type method: ILogger具有通用类型方法:

void Log<T>(string message, LogLevel level = LogLevel.Info);

So that I could maintain my logs better. 这样我可以更好地维护日志。

I'm able to call it like: 我可以这样称呼它:

IoC.Logger.Log<GeneralLog>("My message");

Now, that is pretty long line. 现在,这是很长的线。

Is there a possibility in C#, so that I could declare a shortcut for the Log<T>() method with pre-defined generic type? C#中是否有可能,这样我可以为具有预定义泛型类型的Log<T>()方法声明快捷方式?

For example: 例如:

Instead of 代替

IoC.Logger.Log<GeneralLog>("My message");

I could write 我可以写

IoC.Logger.General("Message"); // and this should reference to IoC.Logger.Log<GeneralLog>

IoC.Logger is of type ILogger , which presumably is outside your control, so you can't edit it to add that method. IoC.Logger的类型为ILogger ,这可能超出了您的控制范围,因此您无法对其进行编辑以添加该方法。

You could write it as an extension method though: 您可以将其编写为扩展方法:

public static class ILoggerExtensions
    public static void General(this ILogger logger, string message)

Now you can call .General(string) on each ILogger , such as the one returned by IoC.Logger . 现在,您可以在每个ILogger上调用.General(string) ,例如IoC.Logger返回的IoC.Logger

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