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在使用Vivado HLS时,如何用适当的功能替换互斥锁?

[英]How can I replace mutex with proper fucntion in using Vivado HLS?

Sorry in advance because I am a beginner in Vivado HLS. 抱歉,我是Vivado HLS的初学者。 In my code in the following, I wanna Synthesis it, but Vivado tells me you cannot use the mutex and whatever dependent and gives me following errors. 在下面的代码中,我想对其进行综合,但是Vivado告诉我您不能使用互斥锁以及任何依赖项,并且会出现以下错误。

ERROR: [SYNCHK 200-11] Global Variable 'readyQMutex' has an unsynthesizable struct type '%union.pthread_mutex_t.2.12.22 = type { %struct.__pthread_mu...' (a member pointer to struct itself).
ERROR: [SYNCHK 200-71] ../fpga_top.c:221: function 'pthread_mutex_lock' has no function body.
ERROR: [SYNCHK 200-71] ../fpga_top.c:225: function 'pthread_cond_wait' has no function body.
ERROR: [SYNCHK 200-71] ../fpga_top.c:237: function 'pthread_cond_signal' has no function body.
ERROR: [SYNCHK 200-71] ../fpga_top.c:238: function 'pthread_mutex_unlock' has no function body.
ERROR: [SYNCHK 200-11] ../fpga_top.c:18: Constant 'workerInfos' has an unsynthesizable type '[4 x %struct.threadInfo.6.16.26]*' (possible cause(s): structure variable cannot be decomposed due to (1) unsupported type conversion; (2) memory copy operation; (3) function pointer used in struct; (4) unsupported pointer comparison).
ERROR: [SYNCHK 200-61] ../fpga_top.c:75: unsupported memory access on variable 'child_task_ID' which is (or contains) an array with unknown size at compile time.
ERROR: [SYNCHK 200-71] ../fpga_top.c:77: function 'pthread_mutex_init' has no function body.
INFO: [SYNCHK 200-10] 8 error(s), 0 warning(s).

I found I should write the related code to handle it by myself, if so, how and what I should write?! 我发现我应该自己编写相关的代码来处理它,如果可以,应该如何编写?

#include <stdbool.h>
#include "fpga_top.h"

int outputIndex = 0;
double core_speed[CORE_MAX] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
double outputTable[WORKLOAD_MAX*TASK_COUNT_MAX][EXCEL_Column_Size];

int readyQueueHead = 0;
int readyQueueRear = 0;
int readyQueueSize = 0;
char canContinue_ = 1;
int wlCounter = 0;      
bool flag = 1;

// Add Task to assignedQueue
void addToAssignedQueue(int task_ID, int workload_ID, int q)
    while( workerInfos[q].assignedQSize>=DEEP)
        pthread_cond_wait(&(workerInfos[q].workerWaitHandle_Add), &(workerInfos[q].workerMutex));
    int i = workerInfos[q].assignedQRear;
    workerInfos[q].assignedQueue[i].task_ID = task_ID;
    workerInfos[q].assignedQueue[i].workload_ID = workload_ID;
    workerInfos[q].assignedQRear = (workerInfos[q].assignedQRear + 1) % DEEP;
    // A signal to a worker waiting to read from this queue

// Read from assignedQueue
struct workItem readFromAssignedQueue(int q)
    struct threadInfo *workerInfo_ = &workerInfos[q];

    struct workItem tas_;
    // Initialize the output values (which may not be necessary now)
    tas_.task_ID = -1;
    tas_.workload_ID = -1;
    if(workerInfo_->assignedQSize <= 0)
        struct timespec time_to_wait = {10, 0}; //10 sec wait
        pthread_cond_timedwait(&(workerInfo_->workerWaitHandle), &(workerInfo_->workerMutex), &time_to_wait);
    if(workerInfo_->assignedQSize >0)
        // Reading the assignedQueue if data is available
        tas_ = workerInfo_->assignedQueue[workerInfo_->assignedQHead];
        // Move forward the queue head index rotationally
        workerInfos[q].assignedQHead = (workerInfos[q].assignedQHead + 1) % DEEP;
        // Decreasing the count number of queue elements
    return tas_;

// Add Definition of Task to DAG
void addTask(int task_ID, int parentCount, int child_task_ID[], int childCount, int processingTime)
    struct Task_Package_Profile *p_task_ = &(taskArray[task_ID]);
    p_task_->parentCount = parentCount;
    p_task_->childCount = childCount;
    p_task_->processingTime = processingTime;
    // Initialize the parentReady variable for all workloads
    for (int i = 0; i < WORKLOAD_MAX;i++) {p_task_->parentReady[i] = 0;}
    // Copy the child's index
    for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {p_task_->child_task_ID[i] = child_task_ID[i];}
    // Make parentReady mutex
    pthread_mutex_init(&(p_task_->parentReadyMutex), NULL);

// DAG Definition
void initDag()
    int ch0[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4}; addTask( 0, 0, ch0, 4, 10000);

    int ch1[] = { 5, 6, 7, 8}; addTask( 1, 1, ch1, 4, 20000);
    int ch2[] = { 5, 6, 7, 8}; addTask( 2, 1, ch2, 4, 20000);
    int ch3[] = { 5, 6, 7, 8}; addTask( 3, 1, ch3, 4, 20000);
    int ch4[] = { 5, 6, 7, 8}; addTask( 4, 1, ch4, 4, 20000);

    int ch5[] = { 9, 10}; addTask( 5, 4, ch5, 2, 30000);
    int ch6[] = { 9, 10}; addTask( 6, 4, ch6, 2, 30000);
    int ch7[] = { 9, 10}; addTask( 7, 4, ch7, 2, 30000);
    int ch8[] = { 9, 10}; addTask( 8, 4, ch8, 2, 30000);

    int ch9[] = { 11, 12}; addTask( 9, 4, ch9, 2, 40000);
    int ch10[] = { 11, 12}; addTask( 10, 4, ch10, 2, 40000);

    int ch11[] = {}; addTask( 11, 2, ch11, 0, 50000);
    int ch12[] = {}; addTask( 12, 2, ch12, 0, 50000);

    addToReadyQueue(0, 0);              // Root task, addToReadyQueue(int task_ID, int workload_ID)
    //allocateTask(0, 0, 0);                    // allocateTask(int task_ID, int workload_ID, int core_ID)

// Add Task to the end of the readyQueue 
void addToReadyQueue(int task_ID, int workload_ID)
    while(readyQueueSize >= READY_LOOP_DEEP)
        // Waiting for the queue to be empty if there is no space
        int res = pthread_cond_wait( &readyQWaitHandleAdd, &readyQMutex);
    #ifdef PRINT_ReadyQ
        printf("Task #%d (workload #%d) added to readyQueue %d:%d.\n", task_ID, workload_ID,readyQueueRear, readyQueueSize);
    readyQueue[readyQueueRear].task_ID = task_ID;
    readyQueue[readyQueueRear].workload_ID = workload_ID;
    // Move forward the queue rear index in rotation
    readyQueueRear = (readyQueueRear + 1) % READY_LOOP_DEEP;
    // Increasing the number of the queue elements
    // The signal is given to workers waiting to read from the queue

// Read from the beginning of the readyQueue
struct workItem readFromReadyQueue()
    struct workItem witem;
    witem.task_ID = -1;
    witem.workload_ID = -1;

    // Waiting to queue if empty
    while(readyQueueSize <= 0)
        pthread_cond_wait( &readyQWaitHandleRead, &readyQMutex);
    // Picking up from queue head
    witem = readyQueue[readyQueueHead];
    // Move forward the queue head index in rotation
    readyQueueHead = (readyQueueHead + 1) % READY_LOOP_DEEP;
    // Reduce the number of queue elements
    #ifdef PRINT_ReadyQ
        printf("Task #%d (workload #%d) removed to readyQueue. %d : %d\n", witem.task_ID , witem.workload_ID, readyQueueHead, readyQueueSize);
    // The signal is given to workers who are waiting for the queue to be empty
    return witem;

// Check if the reaadyQueue is empty with the corresponding mutex
int isReadyQueueEmpty()
    int res = 0;
    res = (readyQueueSize == 0);
    return res;

// Assigning Task to the Worker (Cores)
struct outputsFromFPGA allocateTask(int task_ID, int workload_ID, int core_ID)
    if (flag == 1)
        flag = 0;
    #ifdef PRINT_AllocateTask
        printf("Task #%d (workload #%d) assigned to Core #%d;\n", task_ID, workload_ID, core_ID);
    addToAssignedQueue( task_ID, workload_ID, core_ID);

    struct outputsFromFPGA FPGAOutputs;
    FPGAOutputs.task_ID = task_ID;
    FPGAOutputs.workload_ID = workload_ID;
    FPGAOutputs.core_ID = core_ID;

// Ending each task and inform the children
void taskDone(int task_ID, int workload_ID, int core_ID)
    struct Task_Package_Profile task_ = taskArray[task_ID];
    #ifdef PRINT_TaskDone
        printf("taskDone: Task #%d (workload #%d);\n", task_ID, workload_ID);
    // Increase the child's parentReady variable and send the children to the ready queue if all parents are finished
    struct Task_Package_Profile *p_task_ = &(taskArray[task_ID]);
    for(int i = 0; i < p_task_->childCount; i++)
        struct Task_Package_Profile *p_childTsk = &(taskArray[p_task_->child_task_ID[i]]);
        int nbParentReady = 0;
        // Increase the parentReady variable
        nbParentReady = ++(p_childTsk->parentReady[workload_ID]);
        // Send the child to the ready queue if all parents are finished
        if (nbParentReady == p_childTsk->parentCount)
            addToReadyQueue(p_task_->child_task_ID[i], workload_ID);
    // Find the most empty assignedQueue and assign ready tasks as much as possible
    {   // Finds the best assignedQueue
        int minQueue = 0;
        int minSize =  workerInfos[0].assignedQSize;
        for (int i = 1; i < CORE_MAX; i++)
            if(workerInfos[i].assignedQSize < minSize)
                minSize = workerInfos[i].assignedQSize;
                minQueue = i;
        // The most empty queue should be smaller than Deep so that it can be added to the queue
        if(minSize < DEEP)
            struct workItem witem = readFromReadyQueue();
            struct outputsFromFPGA FPGAOutputs = allocateTask(witem.task_ID, witem.workload_ID, minQueue);
            break;  // All assignedQueue are full

// Check the end of the program that has all the tests done
void finishCheck()
    if (wlCounter != WORKLOAD_MAX) return;
    for(int i = 0; i < CORE_MAX; i++)
        if (workerInfos[i].assignedQSize > 0) return;
        if (workerInfos[i].coreState > 0) return;
    if (!isReadyQueueEmpty()) return;
    canContinue_ = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < CORE_MAX; i++)

Thread synchronization can be done in HLS as shown in this paper for example, but it is not supported in Vivado HLS yet. 本文所示,可以在HLS中完成线程同步,但Vivado HLS尚不支持线程同步。

That being said, it does not mean that it is impossible to implement your application on hardware. 话虽如此,这并不意味着不可能在硬件上实现您的应用程序。 One approach is to implement every thread as a separate hardware kernel. 一种方法是将每个线程实现为单独的硬件内核。 Shared data can be put in another kernel, which ensures that accesses to the data are synchronized the way that you want. 共享的数据可以放在另一个内核中,以确保以所需的方式同步访问数据。 The kernels can communicate with the shared object via streaming interfaces. 内核可以通过流接口与共享库通信。 You can implement function parameters as streaming interfaces with hls::stream . 您可以使用hls::stream功能参数实现为流接口。 After implementing each of the kernels as an IP module, you can connect them via FIFOs generated with FIFO generator in a Vivado block design. 将每个内核实现为IP模块后,您可以通过Vivado块设计中的FIFO生成器生成的FIFO连接它们。

You could make for example a control stream from each processing kernel to the shared object that allow the kernels to send a request to access the shared object. 例如,您可以创建一个从每个处理内核到共享库的控制流,该控制流允许内核发送访问共享库的请求。 In the shared object, you use non-blocking reads from the streams to see whether any of them wants exclusive access. 在共享库中,您使用流中的非阻塞读取来查看其中是否有任何互斥访问。 Then you take write or read requests only from the control stream from the kernel that was granted exclusive access. 然后,您仅从被授予独占访问权的内核的控制流中接收写或读请求。 The data associated with the reads and writes can be communicated via dedicated data streams between the kernels and shared object. 可以通过内核和共享对象之间的专用数据流来传递与读取和写入关联的数据。 When a kernel is done using the shared object, it can send a release command, and the shared object starts looking again for requests on all control streams. 使用共享库完成内核后,它可以发送释放命令,并且共享库开始再次查找所有控制流上的请求。 It takes a bit of labor, but it is a feasible solution... 这需要一些工作,但这是一个可行的解决方案...

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