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[英]In Django, for a OneToOne relationship between two objects of the same class, can an object be prevented from referring to itself at the db level?

I have the following in my app: 我的应用程序中包含以下内容:

class University(models.Model):
    sister_university = models.OneToOneField('self', 
                        related_name = 
                        blank=True, null=True, 

As it is, under the Django Admin site, I'm able to select University A as the sister_university of University A (itself). 实际上,在Django Admin站点下,我可以选择University A作为University A(本身)的sister_university。 Is it possible to enforce some sort of a rule at the database level so a university object can never be its own sister_university? 是否可以在数据库级别强制执行某种规则,以使大学对象永远不能成为其自己的sister_university?

Alternatively, is there a better way of accomplishing what I'm trying to do? 或者,是否有更好的方法来完成我要尝试的操作?

What you want is a check constraint, something like: 您想要的是一个check约束,例如:

alter table university
add constraint chk_non_self_ref check (id <> sister_university_id);

I'm not aware of a way to define this in Django models (but I'm guessing you can add it to a migration). 我不知道在Django模型中定义此方法的方法(但我猜您可以将其添加到迁移中)。

At the model level, you can override the clean() method of your model to implement that check every time a University instance is saved. 在模型级别,您可以覆盖模型的clean()方法,以在每次保存University实例时实施该检查。

def clean(self):

    if self.sister_university.id == self.id:
        raise ValidationError('A university object can never be its own sister_university.')


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