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[英]Moving a Control on a Canvas on Drag & Drop

I have placed text blocks on a canvas. 我已经在画布上放置了文本块。 I change their position on mouse drag using the following code: 我使用以下代码更改它们在鼠标拖动时的位置:

   protected bool isDragging;
   private Point clickPosition;

   private void txt_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            isDragging = true;
            var draggableControl = sender as TextBlock;
            clickPosition = e.GetPosition(this);

    private void txt_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        isDragging = false;
        var draggable = sender as TextBlock;

    private void txt_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        var draggableControl = sender as TextBlock;

        if (isDragging && draggableControl != null)
            Point currentPosition = e.GetPosition(this.Parent as UIElement);

            var transform = draggableControl.RenderTransform as TranslateTransform;
            if (transform == null)
                transform = new TranslateTransform();
                draggableControl.RenderTransform = transform;

            transform.X = currentPosition.X - clickPosition.X;
            transform.Y = currentPosition.Y - clickPosition.Y;

What I want here is to get the new position of the textblock, save it and next time when the application loads, the control should take the new position. 我在这里想要的是获取文本块的新位置,保存它,并在下次加载应用程序时,控件应采用新位置。 I understand that my code does not change the Left & Top property of the textblock, but instead transforms it. 我知道我的代码不会更改文本块的Left&Top属性,而是对其进行转换。 Hence, the Left and Top Property won't be changed. 因此,Left和Top属性将不会更改。 I tried to set Left and Top Property as 我试图将Left和Top Property设置为

            draggableControl.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, transform.X);
            draggableControl.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, transform.Y);

But it also does not change it. 但这也不会改变。

What can be done to achieve the desired? 怎样才能达到期望?

You must not use Transform...but only 您不得使用Transform ...,而只能使用

draggableControl.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, X);
draggableControl.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, Y);

because transform affect only rendering 因为变换只影响渲染

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