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指令 Angular 2 上的停止按钮单击事件

[英]Stop Button Click Event On Directive Angular 2

I built my app with angular 2 and PrimeNG.我用 angular 2 和 PrimeNG 构建了我的应用程序。 I try to use directives on button click for checking user authority.我尝试使用按钮单击指令来检查用户权限。 Problem is;问题是; if there is no authority, do not continue button click action.如果没有权限,不要继续按钮点击动作。 But stopPropagation doesn't stop click event.但是 stopPropagation 不会停止单击事件。 How to stop process if checkAuth() returns false?如果 checkAuth() 返回 false,如何停止进程?


    selector: '[checkAuthOnClick]'

export class CheckAuthorizationOnClickDirective {

    user: Observable<User>;
    @Input() allowedClaim: any;
    observer: MutationObserver;

    constructor(private element: ElementRef, private store: Store<fromRoot.State>) {
        this.element = element.nativeElement;

    stop: EventEmitter<Event> = new EventEmitter;

    @HostListener('click', ['$event, $event.target'])
    onClick(event, targetElement) {  
        if (!this.checkAuth()) {
            event.cancelBuble = true;


    private checkAuth(): boolean {
        this.user = this.store.select(fromRoot.currentUser);
        if (this.user != undefined && this.allowedClaim != undefined) {
            var hasClaim = false;
            var description;
            this.user.subscribe(x => {
                if (Array.isArray(this.allowedClaim)) { //Gelen/Giden Faturaları görüntüleme yetkileri tümü ve kendisine ait o.ş birden çok olduğu için app.routes'ta array olarak tanımlandı. 
                    for (let i = 0; i < this.allowedClaim.length; i++) {
                        hasClaim = x.hasClaim(this.allowedClaim[i])
                        if (hasClaim)

                    description = this.allowedClaim[0].Description;
                else {
                    hasClaim = x.hasClaim(this.allowedClaim);
                    description = this.allowedClaim.Description;

            if (hasClaim == false) {
                var message = "Bu işlem için yetkiniz yoktur.";
                if (description != undefined) {
                    message = description + ' yetkiniz yoktur.'

                this.store.dispatch(new ui.ToastMessagePushAction({ severity: 'warning', summary: message, detail: '' }));

        return hasClaim;


Directive usage on html like this;像这样在 html 上使用指令;

<button type="button" pButton icon="fa fa-file-code-o" (click)="createForm()" checkAuthOnClick [allowedClaim]="systemDefinedClaims?.CreateInvoiceDesign"></button>

Binding event by (click) and HostBinding just means binding two standalone events to your target elements, they will be called at the same time and won't give effects to each other which means stop any of them won't stop the other one.通过(click)HostBinding绑定事件只是意味着将两个独立事件绑定到您的目标元素,它们将同时被调用并且不会相互影响,这意味着停止其中任何一个都不会停止另一个。

You need to call click event( currently binding via (click) ) manually in your directive's click event binding via HostBinding .您需要通过HostBinding在指令的点击事件绑定中手动调用点击事件(当前绑定通过(click) )。

// transfer click event into directive
@Input('clickEvent') clickEvent;

@HostListener('click', ['$event, $event.target'])
onClick(event, targetElement) {  
    if (!this.checkAuth()) {
        event.cancelBubble = true;

    } else {

See sample demo .请参阅示例演示

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