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[英]Add decorator to a method from inherited class?

I want to inherit from class just to add decorators to its methods. 我想从类继承,只是将装饰器添加到其方法。

Is there a shortcut to do this without redefining each base class method? 有没有在不重新定义每个基类方法的情况下执行此操作的捷径?

Sure, you can do this dynamically. 当然,您可以动态地执行此操作。 Suppose you have some class: 假设您有一些课程:

>>> class Foo:
...    def bar(self): print('bar')
...    def baz(self): print('baz')

And a decorator: 还有一个装饰器:

>>> def deco(f):
...    def wrapper(self):
...       print('decorated')
...       return f(self)
...    return wrapper

Then simply inherit: 然后简单地继承:

>>> class Foo2(Foo):
...     pass

Then loop over your original class, and apply the decorator to your new child-class: 然后遍历您的原始类,并将装饰器应用于新的子类:

>>> for name, attr in vars(Foo).items():
...     if callable(attr):
...         setattr(Foo2, name, deco(attr))

So... 所以...

>>> x = Foo2()
>>> x.bar()
>>> x.baz()

Now, using if callable(attr) might not be restrictive enough. 现在,使用if callable(attr)可能不够严格。 You might want to ignore "dunder" methods, so instead: 您可能要忽略“ dunder”方法,因此:

for name, attr in vars(Foo):
    if callable(attr) and not name.startswith('__'):
        setattr(Foo2, name, attr)

might be more appropriate. 可能更合适。 Depends on your use-case. 取决于您的用例。

And just for fun, here we can also use the type constructor: 只是为了好玩,在这里我们还可以使用type构造函数:

In [17]: class Foo:
    ...:     def bar(self): print('bar')
    ...:     def baz(self): print('baz')

In [18]: def deco(f):
    ...:     def wrapper(self):
    ...:         print('decorated')
    ...:         return f(self)
    ...:     return wrapper

In [19]: Foo3 = type(
    ...:     'Foo3',
    ...:     (Foo,),
    ...:     {name:deco(attr) for name, attr in vars(Foo).items() if callable(attr)}
    ...: )

In [20]: y = Foo3()

In [21]: y.bar()

In [22]: y.baz()

You can use a class decorator to encapsulate the whole work 您可以使用类装饰器来封装整个工作

Example code: 示例代码:

def deco(func):
    """Function decorator"""
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        print("decorated version")
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return inner

def decoclass(decorator):
    """Class decorator: decorates public methods with decorator"""
    def outer(cls):
        class inner(cls):
        for name in dir(cls):
            if not name.startswith("_"):     # ignore hidden and private members
                # print("decorating", name)  # uncomment for tests
                attr = getattr(inner, name)
                setattr(inner, name, decorator(attr))
        return inner
    return outer

class Foo:
    """Sample class""
    def foo(self):
        return "foo in Foo"

You can then use it: 然后可以使用它:

>>> @decoclass(deco)
class Foo2(Foo):

>>> f = Foo2()
>>> f.foo()
decorated version
'foo in Foo'

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