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[英]Windows batch Script Error

I am very new to windows batch script programming. 我是Windows批处理脚本编程的新手。 I modified an existing scripts and when try to run it is giving me an error as given below. 我修改了一个现有的脚本,当尝试运行它时,出现如下错误。

( was unexpected at this time.

Later I did a bash -n script name and its given me the error like script_name.bat 15: syntax error: got (, expecting Newline 后来我做了一个bash -n脚本名称,它给了我类似script_name.bat 15的错误:语法错误:got(,期望换行

Line 15 is given below 第15行如下

for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i in (`wmic os get LocalDateTime /VALUE 2^>NUL`) do if '.%%i.'=='.LocalDateTime.' set ldt=%%j

COuld you please help me on this ..This script is mainly used for importing the datastage jobs. 您能帮我这个忙吗..此脚本主要用于导入datastage作业。 using windows command 使用Windows命令

Please find my complete code below 请在下面找到我的完整代码


rem Script Variables
set ISTOOL_PATH=C:\IBM\InformationServer11_3_1\Clients\istools\cli\
set DSCC_PATH=C:\IBM\InformationServer11_3_1\Clients\Classic\
set AUTH_PATH=C:\Users\User1\Documents\Deployment_scripts\
set AUTH_FILE=oneadr_authfile.txt
set LOG_PATH=C:\Users\User1\Documents\Deployment process\Deployment\
for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i in (`wmic os get LocalDateTime /VALUE 2^>NUL`) do if '.%%i.'=='.LocalDateTime.' set ldt=%%j
set strUnique=%ldt:~0,4%%ldt:~4,2%%ldt:~6,2%%ldt:~8,2%%ldt:~10,2%%ldt:~12,2%
set LOG_FILE=iis_01_import_%strUnique%.log
set LOG_FILE_COMPILE=iis_02_compilation_%strUnique%.log
set intExitCode=99

if "%1."=="." ( 
    @echo Script Error: Import File info is empty. Usage ^<%0 isx_file^> 
     exit /B %intExitCode% 

if not exist %1  (  
    @echo Script Error: File ^<%1^> does not exists
    exit /B %intExitCode% 

rem Checking import file type: isx or pkg  
for /F "tokens=2 delims=^." %%f in  ( "%1" ) do set strFileType=%%f  
set strFileType=%strFileType: =%

if not %strFileType% ==isx (
    if not %strFileType% ==pkg (
            @echo Import file type not valid ^(it should be "isx" or "pkg" format^). Please, review file ^<%1^>
        goto :EOF

@echo File to be imported into Datastage ^<%PROJECT%^> project: %1. Type of file: ^<%strFileType%^>  

rem IS tool import code command
if %strFileType%==isx call %ISTOOL_PATH%istool.bat import -dom %SVC_TIER% -authfile %AUTH_PATH%%AUTH_FILE% -datastage %ENG_TIER%/%PROJECT% -archive %1 -replace 1> %LOG_PATH%%LOG_FILE% 2>&1
if %strFileType%==pkg call %ISTOOL_PATH%istool.bat deploy package -dom %SVC_TIER% -authfile %AUTH_PATH%%AUTH_FILE% -localfile %1 -datastage '-replace %ENG_TIER%/%PROJECT%' 1> %LOG_PATH%%LOG_FILE% 2>&1

@echo IStool return code: %ERRORLEVEL% 
if not '%ERRORLEVEL%'=='0'  (
    @echo IS tool error message on Import process. Please, review %strFileType% file ^<%1^> and IS Tool logs.
    goto :EOF

rem Exit codes:
rem       0 - Success
rem       1 - Warning
rem       2 - Partial failure
rem       3 - Import failed
rem       4 - Import preview failed
rem       5 - Invalid archive file
rem       6 - Error reading ImportOptions.json file
rem       7 - Error reading the response file.
rem       8 - The contents of the response file cannot be empty.
rem       9 - The -preview parameter is not supported with -responseFile.
rem      10 - Failed to connect to Information Server domain
rem      11 - Invalid command syntax

也许这个工具可以帮助您指出正确的方向: http : //www.robvanderwoude.com/battech_batcodecheck.php

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