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[英]Progress Bar Python

I've got the following piece of code: 我有以下代码:

def progressbar(count, total, status=""):
    bar_len = 40
    filled_len = int(round(bar_len * count / float(total)))

    percents = round(100.1 * count / float(total), 1)
    bar = "X" * filled_len + "-" * (bar_len - filled_len)

    print("[{}] {}{} ...{}".format(bar, percents, "%", status),
          end="\r", flush=True)

And for calling the progress bar: 并调用进度条:

total = 100
i = 0
while i < total:
    i += 1
    progressbar(i, total, status="Creating stuff")

Where total is a number of iterations. 其中total是许多迭代。 When I run this code I get the progress bar running on multiple lines instead of just one. 当我运行此代码时,我得到的进度条是多行而不是多行。 Any advice? 有什么建议吗?

I don't think you have any issue in your code. 我认为您的代码中没有任何问题。

print("[{}] {}{} ...{}".format(bar, percents, "%", status),
          **end="\r"**, flush=True)

the end="\\n" argument in print() method should print the progress bar i one line. print()方法中的end =“ \\ n”参数应将进度条打印一行。

if you run this code in terminal it should work fine. 如果您在终端中运行此代码,它应该可以正常工作。

I have previously seen an issue with PyCharm IDE where end="\\r" doesn't work. 我以前见过PyCharm IDE的一个问题,其中end =“ \\ r”不起作用。 It is probably a bug in the terminal emulator in the IDE. 这可能是IDE中的终端仿真器中的错误。

Thanks for everyone that commented on my topic trying to help. 感谢所有对我的主题发表评论并试图提供帮助的人。 I got the solution on another StackOverflow Question: Python 3 progress bar shows nothing 我在另一个StackOverflow上得到了解决方案问题: Python 3进度条什么也没显示

So I tested two ways that were successful. 因此,我测试了两种成功的方法。 The first one, to print using sys.stdout: 第一个,使用sys.stdout打印:

sys.stdout.write("\r[{}] {}{} ...{}".format(bar, percents, "%", status))

And the second, using the print() but with the \\r in front of the line: 第二个,使用print(),但在行的前面加上\\ r:

print("\r[{}] {}{} ...{}".format(bar, percents, "%", status),
      end="", flush=True)

Both works perfectly. 两者都完美地工作。 The first one needs the import sys. 第一个需要导入系统。

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