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[英]How to pass the user input in batch file?

I have following script. 我有以下脚本。

echo off

cd C:\Users\User_Name\Desktop\Encryption\Hemant test 
"C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuPG\bin\gpg.exe" --import PB_Key.gpg   
"C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuPG\bin\gpg.exe" -e Test.txt 

But after that in command windows its asking me user Input as per following "Enter the User ID.End with an empty line:" 但是在此之后,在命令窗口中,它要求我按照以下“输入用户ID。以空行结尾的用户”输入:

As displayed at the image: 如图所示:

I have to pass the 'Test' value and click on enter. 我必须通过“测试”值,然后单击Enter。

But I am not able to pass the 'Test' value in above Batch script. 但是我无法在上面的批处理脚本中传递“测试”值。

Edit I have installed the newest GnuPG for windows ( gpg4win 3.1.1 ) 编辑我已经为Windows安装了最新的GnuPG( gpg4win 3.1.1

Which contains the following library versions: 其中包含以下库版本:

c:\app\security\GnuPG\bin\gpg.exe --version
gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.7
libgcrypt 1.8.2

As for your script it should look the following way 至于您的脚本,它应该看起来如下

@echo off
cd "C:\Users\User_Name\Desktop\Encryption\Hemant test"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuPG\bin\gpg.exe" --import PB_Key.gpg  
set /p user_id=Please enter your user id:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuPG\bin\gpg.exe" -r "%user_id%" --encrypt Test.txt

Edit2 - showing whole workflow (notice that I have the key already there so there is a message, in Czech, that states that the key is without any changes) Edit2-显示整个工作流程(请注意,我已经有了密钥,所以在捷克语中有一条消息指出密钥没有任何更改)

My test.bat 我的test.bat

@echo off
c:\app\security\GnuPG\bin\gpg.exe --import C:\app\security\GnuPG\mygpgkey_pub.gpg
set /p user_id=Please enter your user id:
c:\app\security\GnuPG\bin\gpg.exe -r "%user_id%" -e VERSION

Now the actual workflow: 现在是实际的工作流程:

C:\app\security\GnuPG>dir *.gpg
 Volume in drive C is OSDisk
 Volume Serial Number is 6C83-746F

 Directory of C:\app\security\GnuPG

17.05.2018  13:55             6 731 mygpgkey_priv.gpg
17.05.2018  13:55             3 181 mygpgkey_pub.gpg
               2 File(s)          9 912 bytes
               0 Dir(s)   5 941 710 848 bytes free

gpg: klíč B6E8D7336780XXXX: "John Smith <john.smith@usa.net>" beze změn
gpg: Celkový počet zpracovaných klíčů: 1
gpg:                        beze změn: 1
Please enter your user id:John Smith

C:\app\security\GnuPG>dir *.gpg
 Volume in drive C is OSDisk
 Volume Serial Number is 6C83-746F

 Directory of C:\app\security\GnuPG

17.05.2018  13:55             6 731 mygpgkey_priv.gpg
17.05.2018  13:55             3 181 mygpgkey_pub.gpg
17.05.2018  13:57               609 VERSION.gpg
               3 File(s)         10 521 bytes
               0 Dir(s)   5 941 673 984 bytes free

C:\app\security\GnuPG>cat VERSION.gpg
☻♀♥VsP┼ĎžI}☺ ˙w▬ďÍ[Łu   a↓#ŇÜŔ~>Ö▬ľżŕ↔►►=*Q×♥+Ç$NôCČuy→8Ą'      @⌂∟ĘŽ∟'ôż|→↑|Ţ↕ÄĄú4|-b >%ÄXľ♂Ť  ŮLŤÍ♫∟"˛2ýś+¸ęęHDF\`+-BţYu˙:|ŽÝÍ♣%☺RďGX┼łŠX%?Łä÷äĘo'Ę|3.Ń<ě°§ó☻ÇKŰ+CăÉĆŚßźE˙Ń?bÔj§ž`<?Ř9c♦§Şś>Éb˛       (ďćžDŹ☻jí6♦§-ßÚŇ~♀"kfďxĺk)˘¨äŰ×▼N÷1 3"}Ä-sžóáe↓x.↓=mĘ?Đ'Á♥{>7c♫SA^I˛uÁi!$Źő/¶ˇ  ÇŃyr☺¬+"F-+ílBn¨xŮ«%]"ól5‼ ☺Ë'►JT↓►ď6ÍŤjÍ|ßŃ"@m+/ ¤¶ĆvŐĂwł♦$Ăżçy% O­ÇŁŔóť¤"öbzB0X;♠˙/ăÁbĽH♦_@♣Ôă☻Ĺ◄Ł♣\▲
Ă♀é&/►Ë⌂RĚ 'Yô'­K­ô~Á˝H☻'´pBŚp▬q↓<ÎŃn2Ů *í«[ëťh×űŽ♠oˇ'ĎtČw♠ Sč Pń{vPąŻwĘŰ♣š♂♠↑Öĺ?Űc=¨%ÉöÜš▬űüR0¶ŕ[qäXOżOb%ÁóçĹ;áÄ☺ĹńLúŘ?i┼e3Qť┼{T%Ż<ďĚŇP☺~Çbéx{O☺Ä◄uM× -ۤ[┼^♦ëŐ˙Rđť<2]{\^Ö%E<ÄX4a_R*?^Ç►ë‼♠Ň2ŐČě?z.M 1ä▲ąěŞuźăŁ↔÷q+Ŕ#á'

C:\app\security\GnuPG>cat VERSION


Edit 3 - To check if the key is imported 编辑3-检查密钥是否已导入

c:\\app\\security\\GnuPG\\bin\\gpg.exe --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG

You should get something like this: 您应该得到这样的内容:

sec   rsa4096/B6E8D7336780XXXX 2018-05-17 [SC]
uid             [  absolutní ] John Smith <john.smith@usa.net>
ssb   rsa4096/56735087CF9EXXXX 2018-05-17 [E]

Edit 4 - non-interactive batch script: 编辑4-非交互式批处理脚本:

@echo off
set "user_id=John Smith"

cd "C:\Users\User_Name\Desktop\Encryption\Hemant test"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuPG\bin\gpg.exe" --import PB_Key.gpg  
"C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuPG\bin\gpg.exe" -r "%user_id%" --encrypt Test.txt

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