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[英]Akka.Net file IO - process only the first n bytes of a file

I have this very simple stream to process a file - just a FileIO.FromFile source, a pass-through flow, and a Last sink: 我有一个非常简单的流来处理文件-只是FileIO.FromFile源,传递流和Last器:

    var source = FileIO.FromFile(new FileInfo(fileName));

    var flow = Flow.FromFunction<ByteString, ByteString>(x =>
       return x;

    var sink = Sink.Last<ByteString>();

    var runnable = source.Via(flow).ToMaterialized(sink, Keep.Right);
    var result = runnable.Run(Context.Materializer()).Result;

The stream runs as expected: the logger spams out the bytestring sizes until the file source is completely exhausted. 流按预期方式运行:记录器将按字节大小发送垃圾邮件,直到文件源完全耗尽。

Now, I change the sink to use First instead of Last 现在,我将接收器更改为使用First而不是Last

    var source = FileIO.FromFile(new FileInfo(fileName));

    var flow = Flow.FromFunction<ByteString, ByteString>(x =>
       return x;

    var sink = Sink.First<ByteString>();

    var runnable = source.Via(flow).ToMaterialized(sink, Keep.Right);
    var result = runnable.Run(Context.Materializer()).Result;

The documentation for "First" states "cancels after receiving one element", which I assumed meant the sink signals a cancel up the stream, which would close the source. “第一”文档说明“接收到一个元素后取消”,我认为这意味着接收器发出取消流的信号,这将关闭源。 But when this stream is run, two things happen. 但是,当运行此流时,会发生两件事。

1) I get the following debug log message 1)我收到以下调试日志消息

[DEBUG][17/05/2018 13:55:16][Thread 0004][akka://Demo/user/DATReader/StreamSupervisor-0/Flow-0-1-fileSource] Unhandled message from akka://Demo/user/DATReader/StreamSupervisor-0/Flow-0-0-unknown-operation : Akka.Streams.Actors.Cancel


2) The file is locked, so any further attempt to read it fails with an access denied exception. 2)文件被锁定,因此任何进一步的读取尝试均失败,并显示访问被拒绝的异常。

I also tried using Take(1) on the source, but the same effect is seen. 我也尝试在源代码上使用Take(1) ,但是可以看到相同的效果。

My question is: how do I read only the first n bytes from a file and shut down the stream gracefully so that any lock (obtained by FileIO.FromFile) is released? 我的问题是:如何仅从文件中读取前n个字节并正常关闭流,以便释放任何锁(由FileIO.FromFile获取)?

In my case, there is no such error. 就我而言,没有这样的错误。 Try using sharedKillSwitch to control completion. 尝试使用sharedKillSwitch来控制完成。 Documentation is here about Dynamic stream handling 有关动态流处理的文档在此处

            var sharedKillSwitch = KillSwitches.Shared("my-kill-switch");
            var source = FileIO.FromFile(new FileInfo(fileName), chunkSize: 1024)

            var sink = Sink.First<ByteString>();

            var runnable = source.Select(x => {                 
                return x;
            .ToMaterialized(sink, Keep.Right);

            var result = runnable.Run(materializer).Result;

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