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[英]Is there a way to use a 'friendy' name for this class/interface?

Basically I just think the type name is ugly when passing it around my project. 基本上,我只是认为类型名称在我的项目中传递时很难看。 I know you can't use an interface that implements the interface because then it's a new interface that just happens to implement the original interface, right? 我知道您不能使用实现该接口的接口,因为那是刚好实现原始接口的新接口,对吗?

public class GenericFactory<T, TTypeEnum> : IGenericFactory<T, TTypeEnum>
    private readonly IIndex<TTypeEnum, Func<CCompParms, T>> _factory;

    public GenericFactory(IIndex<TTypeEnum, Func<CCompParms, T>> factory)
        _factory = factory;

    public T Create(TTypeEnum serviceType, CCompParms comp)
        return _factory[serviceType](comp);

public interface IGenericFactory<T, TTypeEnum>
    T Create(TTypeEnum serviceType, CCompParms comp);

I have tried: 我努力了:

public interface FriendlyName : IGenericFactory<T, TTypeEnum>

But when I try to do the following it fails to cast no matter how I cast it. 但是,当我尝试执行以下操作时,无论我如何投射,它都无法投射。

IGenericFactory<T, TTypeEnum> inter = GetTheInterface();
FriendlyName fn = (inter as FriendlyName);

Is there a way to make the type name friendly? 有没有一种方法可以使类型名称友好?

First, any general solution for a "Friendly Name" will still have to be parameterized with both of the generic types, so I don't think that's what you're looking for since it won't really save you any typing. 首先,对于“友好名称”的任何常规解决方案仍必须使用这两种泛型类型进行参数化,因此,我认为这不是您要查找的内容,因为它实际上不会节省任何键入内容。

Assuming you want FriendlyName to already have the types bound, then I think you can get to a workable solution by using Implicit Conversions and the Decorator pattern. 假设您希望FriendlyName已经绑定了类型,那么我认为您可以通过使用隐式转换Decorator模式来获得可行的解决方案。

WARNING!!! 警告!!! I just typed this into the browser (no IDE or compiler) and my C# is very rusty, so this will likely need to be tweaked 我只是在浏览器中输入了此代码(没有IDE或编译器),而我的C#非常生锈,因此可能需要对其进行调整

public interface FooFactory : IGenericFactory<Foo, FooEnum> {

    IGenericFactory<Foo, FooEnum> Wrapped { get; }

    // The "magic" - Note that magic always makes your code harder to understand...

    public static implicit operator FooFactory(IGenericFactory<Foo, FooEnum> wrapped) {
        // I think this can be placed here. If C# won't let you add this
        // implicit operator here, then you can easily implement this factory
        // method as an extension on IGenericFactory<Foo, FooEnum>
        return new FooFactoryWrapper(wrapped);

    public static implicit operator IGenericFactory<Foo, FooEnum>(FooFactory wrapper) {
        return wrapper.Wrapped;

    // I'm pretty sure we can hide this implementation here in the interface,
    // but again, my C# is pretty rusty, so you may have to move this
    // and/or change the visibility
    private class FooFactoryWrapper : FooFactory {

        public IGenericFactory<Foo, FooEnum> Wrapped { get; private set; }

        public FooFactoryWrapper(IGenericFactory<Foo, FooEnum> wrapped) {
            this.wrapped = wrapped;

        // Since the "friendly type" is still an instance of the base type,
        // you'll still have to fully implement that interface. Just delegate
        // all calls to your wrapped type (most useless Decorator ever)

        public Foo Make() { return Wrapped.Make(); } // sample method in IGenericFactory<>

Now, you should be able to use it like this: 现在,您应该可以像这样使用它:

IGenericFactory<Foo, FooEnum> inter = GetTheInterface();
FooFactory fn = inter; // implicit conversion to wrapper type

DoWork(fn); // use the "friendly name" like it were it's wrapped type
            // implicit conversion back to wrapped type

public void DoWork(IGenericFactory<Foo, FooEnum> fooFactory) {

All that being said, I wouldn't go through this effort. 话虽这么说,我不会为此付出努力。 Whenever I've made "Friendly Name" types like this, I then make them part of my "model" and treat them as proper types, which means that I directly ask for them in method signatures and constructors. 每当我这样创建“友好名称”类型时,就将它们作为“模型”的一部分并将其视为适当的类型,这意味着我直接在方法签名和构造函数中要求它们。

Something like this: 像这样:

public interface BarFactory : IGenericFactory<Bar, BarEnum> { }

// Asking for a BarFactory and not a IGenericFactory<Bar, BarEnum>
public void DoWork(BarFactory barFactory) { ... }

Much less typing and no need for magic. 打字少得多,不需要魔术。

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