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[英]How to read a specific line from a text file in python

I am trying to make a game that requires me to read specific lines from a text (.txt) file in python 3.6. 我正在尝试制作一个游戏,要求我从python 3.6的文本(.txt)文件中读取特定行。 I have figured out a way to do this if I just want to print the line. 如果我只想打印行,我已经想出了一种方法。 However, I want to use the line in an if statement: Note* The text file is called 'text' and has '1' on line 1, '2' on line 2 etc etc. 但是,我想在if语句中使用该行:注意*文本文件称为“文本”,在第1行上具有“ 1”,在第2行上具有“ 2”,依此类推。

file = open("text.txt", "r")

line1 = file.readline()
line2 = file.readline()
line3 = file.readline()


if line1 == "1":

I know that it is reading the lines correctly, because of the print testing. 由于打印测试,我知道它正在正确读取行。 However the if statement is printing false. 但是,if语句显示为false。 I don't know what I am doing wrong, and I haven't found anything in my research. 我不知道自己在做错什么,在研究中也没有发现任何东西。

You're reading your line with the newline character at the end. 您正在阅读结尾处带有换行符的行。 Your line1 variable probably contains string '1\\n' . 您的line1变量可能包含字符串'1\\n'

Try calling .strip() immediatelly after readline: 尝试在.strip()之后立即调用.strip()

line1 = file.readline().strip()
line2 = file.readline().strip()
line3 = file.readline().strip()

You could convert your string to an integer and check it that way: 您可以将字符串转换为整数,然后通过以下方式进行检查:

if int(line1) == 1:

It might give you more flexibility in the long run... 从长远来看,它可能会给您带来更大的灵活性。

you can do it by pandas skiprows in read_csv as well. 您可以通过熊猫做skiprowsread_csv为好。 suppose your table is like this, 假设你的桌子是这样的,

import numpy, pandas, time
my_table = numpy.random.random((10, 4))
numpy.savetxt("text.txt", my_table, delimiter=",")

you can simply read specific line by setting skiprows; 您可以通过设置行距简单地读取特定行;

print(pandas.read_csv("text.txt", sep =',',header = None, skiprows =3, nrows = 1))

or assign each line to a variable; 或将每行分配给一个变量;

for i in range(len(df)):
     locals()['line'+ str(i+1)] = pandas.read_csv("text.txt", sep =',',header = None, skiprows =i, nrows = 1)

or just the array values: 或只是数组值:


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