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[英]How to insert a Libreoffice writer Annotation with a date using Python

Please note, this is a self answered question for reference. 请注意,这是一个自我回答的问题,仅供参考。
Most of the references to com.sun.star.text.textfield.Annotation refer to Date as being a :: com :: sun :: star :: util :: reference but no end of fiddling about with the contents will actually create an annotation with a date. 大部分对com.sun.star.text.textfield.Annotation引用都将Date称为:: :: com :: sun :: star :: util ::引用,但对内容的摆弄无休止实际上会创建一个带日期的注释。
Setting Date.Year, Date.Month and Date.Day will appear successful but the annotation itself still appears without a date ie 设置Date.Year,Date.Month和Date.Day将成功显示,但注释本身仍然没有日期,即

anno = model.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.textfield.Annotation")
anno.Content = "this is my annotation/comment"
anno.Author = doc.DocumentProperties.Author
anno.Date.Year = 2020
anno.Date.Month = 5
anno.Date.Day = 18


The documentation is not always complete, or is not obvious, depending upon where you look. 文档并不总是完整的,也不是显而易见的,具体取决于您所处的位置。
For LibreOffice 6.0 https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/Annotation_8idl_source.html 对于LibreOffice 6.0 https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/Annotation_8idl_source.html
The Annotation.idl is described as: Annotation.idl描述为:

 service  com::sun::star::text::TextField;
 [property]string Author;
 [optional, property]string Initials;
 [optional, property]string Name;
 [property]string Content;
 [property]com::sun::star::util::Date Date;
 [optional, property]com::sun::star::util::DateTime DateTimeValue;

The key here is the optional DateTimeValue which it would appear is the item that needs to be set to provide the Annotation with a Date and Time. 此处的关键是可选的DateTimeValue ,它将显示为需要为Annotation提供日期和时间的项目。
DateTimeValue structure is from com.sun.star.util.DateTime DateTimeValue结构来自com.sun.star.util.DateTime
To create an annotation (with a date and time) in a writer document using a python script, use the following as a template. 要使用python脚本在编写者文档中创建带日期和时间的注释,请使用以下内容作为模板。

from uno import createUnoStruct
import time

def fs_Annotation(*args):
    #get the doc from the scripting context which is made available to all scripts
    desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
    model = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
        text = model.Text
        # The macro has been called externally but LibreOffice was not running at the time
        return None
    tRange = text.End
    cursor = desktop.getCurrentComponent().getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
    doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
    # you cannot insert simple text and text into a table with the same method
    # so we have to know if we are in a table or not.
    # oTable and oCurCell will be null if we are not in a table
    oTable = cursor.TextTable
    oCurCell = cursor.Cell

    anno = model.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.textfield.Annotation")

    anno.Content = "this is my annotation/comment"
    #Use documents author
    #anno.Author = doc.DocumentProperties.Author
    #Use hardcoded text
    anno.Author = "Joe Bloggs"

    t = time.localtime()
    dtv.Year = t.tm_year
    dtv.Month = t.tm_mon
    dtv.Day = t.tm_mday
    dtv.Hours = t.tm_hour
    dtv.Minutes= t.tm_min
    dtv.Seconds = t.tm_sec
    dtv.NanoSeconds = 0
    anno.DateTimeValue = dtv

    if oCurCell == None:    # Inserting into text
        text.insertTextContent(cursor, anno, True)
    else:                   # Inserting into a table
        oCurCell.insertTextContent(cursor, anno, False)
    return None


Section 7.7.2 of Andrew's macro document gives the following, although I have not tested it. 尽管我尚未对其进行测试,但安德鲁的宏文档的第7.7.2节给出了以下内容。

Sub AddNoteAtCursor
    Dim vDoc, vViewCursor, oCurs, vTextField
    Dim s$
    'Lets lie and say that this was added ten days ago!'
    Dim aDate As New com.sun.star.util.Date
    With aDate
        .Day = Day(Now - 10)
        .Month = Month(Now - 10)
        .Year = Year(Now - 10)
    End With
    vDoc = ThisComponent
    vViewCursor = vDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
    s = "com.sun.star.text.TextField.Annotation"
    vTextField = vDoc.createInstance(s)
    With vTextField
        .Author = "AP"
        .Content = "It sure is fun to insert notes into my document"
        'Ommit the date and it defaults to today!'
        .Date = aDate
    End With
    vDoc.Text.insertTextContent(oCurs, vTextField, False)
End Sub

The API docs contain the same information as the IDL file but are somewhat easier to read. API文档包含与IDL文件相同的信息,但更易于阅读。 https://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/text/textfield/Annotation.html https://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/text/textfield/Annotation.html

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