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[英]How can i upload my website?

I'm new to web design. 我是网页设计的新手。 I built a simple website by bootstrap studio and I've exported it. 我通过bootstrap studio建立了一个简单的网站,并导出了它。 I got a free domain/host from Biz.nf to upload my website. 我从Biz.nf获得了免费的域名/主机来上传我的网站。 I uploaded my folders (css-js-img-bootstrap) and index.html file in one folder in file manager that already exists but when I open my website in the browser (firefox) it shows me wrong design with no image and any style. 我将文件夹(css-js-img-bootstrap)和index.html文件上传到文件管理器中一个已经存在的文件夹中,但是当我在浏览器(firefox)中打开网站时,显示设计错误,没有图像和任何样式。

Please help me solve this problem. 请帮我解决这个问题。 Thanks! 谢谢!

您应该使用../来设置* css文件目录,以便从另一个文件夹中找到它。

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