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[英]Android , cannot resolve ImageDecoder

I am trying to use ImageDecoder in my Android app and the IDE says it cannot resolve it. 我正在尝试在Android应用程序中使用ImageDecoder ,IDE表示无法解决它。 Should i add any library for this to be resolved? 我应该添加任何库来解决此问题吗? My compileSdkVersion is 27 , which seems to be the latest. 我的compileSdkVersion是27,这似乎是最新的。

public final class ImageDecoder extends Object implements AutoCloseable 公共最终类ImageDecoder扩展对象实现AutoCloseable

A class for converting encoded images (like PNG, JPEG, WEBP, GIF, or HEIF) into Drawable or Bitmap objects. 用于将编码的图像(如PNG,JPEG,WEBP,GIF或HEIF)转换为Drawable或Bitmap对象的类。

  • API Level required P or Higher . API级别要求P or Higher

You should set compileSdkVersion 'android-P' 您应该设置compileSdkVersion 'android-P'

android {
compileSdkVersion 'android-P'

defaultConfig {
    targetSdkVersion 'P'

Set Up the Android P SDK

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