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Linq-to-Sql LEFT OUTER JOIN 在 2 个独立的 INNER JOINRS 之间

[英]Linq-to-Sql LEFT OUTER JOIN between 2 separate INNER JOINRS

Trying to generate the following SQL from Linq-To-Sql尝试从 Linq-To-Sql 生成以下 SQL

parenttableA.Name AS parentA,
childtableA.Name AS childA,
parenttableB.Name AS parentB,
childtableB.Name AS childB

FROM parenttableA
INNER JOIN childtableA ON childtableA.parentid = parenttableA.id


INNER JOIN childtableB ON childtableB.parentid = parenttableB.id

ON parenttableB.townid = parenttableA.townid

WHERE parenttableA.townid = 123

This SQL should return something like:此 SQL 应返回如下内容:

parentA    childA    parentB    childB
=======    ======    =======    ======
John       Dave      Paul       Mark
Jim        John      (null)     (null)

So, in other words:所以,换句话说:

How can I have 2 separate inner joins linked together with a LEFT OUTER JOIN so that I still get "A" records from town 123, even if no "B" records exist for that town?如何将 2 个单独的内部连接与 LEFT OUTER JOIN 链接在一起,以便我仍然从 123 镇获得“A”记录,即使该镇不存在“B”记录?

This should work for IQueryable for enumerable you should add null checks这应该适用于IQueryable for enumerable 你应该添加空检查

var query = from ptA in parenttableA
            join ctA in childtableA on ptA.Id equals ctA.Id
            join ptBctB in (from ptB in parenttableB
                            join ctB in childtableB on ptB.Id equals ctB.Id
                            select new { ptB, ctB }) on ptA.TownId equals ptBctB.ptB.TownId into ptBGroup
            from ptBctBLeft in ptBGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
            where ptA.TownId == 123
            select new
                       parentA = ptA.Name,
                       childA = ctA.Name,
                       parentB = ptBctBLeft.ptB.Name,
                       childB = ptBctBLeft.ctB.Name,

Also I think you can do this with just mapping configuration and have this as a property in your POCO but you need to post the EF config for that.此外,我认为您只需映射配置即可完成此操作,并将其作为 POCO 中的一个属性,但您需要为此发布 EF 配置。

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