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[英]Reverse the words but keep the order Bash

I have a file with lines. 我有一个带线的文件。 I want to reverse the words, but keep them in same order. 我想颠倒这两个词,但要使其顺序保持一致。 For example: "Test this word" Result: "tseT siht drow" 例如:“测试此词”结果:“ tseT siht drow”

I'm using MAC, so awk doesn't seem to work. 我正在使用MAC,因此awk似乎不起作用。 What I got for now 我现在得到的

while IFS= read -r line || [[ -n $line ]]
    echo $line | rev
done < "$input"

Here is a solution that completely avoids awk 这是一个完全避免awk的解决方案


while read -r line ; do
    for word in  $line ; do
        output=`echo $word | rev`
        printf "%s " $output
    printf "\n"
done < "$input"


echo "Test this word"  | xargs -n 1 | rev | xargs

Using rev and awk 使用rev和awk

Consider this as the sample input file: 将此视为示例输入文件:

$ cat file
Test this word
Keep the order

Try: 尝试:

$ rev <file | awk '{for (i=NF; i>=2; i--) printf "%s%s",$i,OFS; print $1}'
tseT siht drow
peeK eht redro

(This uses awk but, because it uses no advanced awk features, it should work on MacOS.) (这使用awk,但是,由于它不使用高级awk功能,因此应该可以在MacOS上使用。)

Using in a script 在脚本中使用

If you need to put the above in a script, then create a file like: 如果您需要将以上内容放入脚本中,请创建一个类似以下的文件:

$ cat script
rev <"$input" | awk '{for (i=NF; i>=2; i--) printf "%s%s",$i,OFS; print $1}'

And, run the file: 然后,运行文件:

$ bash script
tseT siht drow
peeK eht redro

Using bash 使用bash

while read -a arr
   x=" "
   for ((i=0; i<${#arr}; i++))
      ((i == ${#arr}-1)) && x=$'\n'
      printf "%s%s" $(rev <<<"${arr[i]}") "$x"
done <file

Applying the above to our same test file: 将以上内容应用于我们的相同测试文件:

$ while read -a arr; do x=" "; for ((i=0; i<${#arr}; i++)); do ((i == ${#arr}-1)) && x=$'\n'; printf "%s%s" $(rev <<<"${arr[i]}") "$x"; done; done <file
tseT siht drow 
peeK eht redro 

Inside your read loop, you can just iterate over the words of your string and pass them to rev 在读取循环中,您可以遍历字符串中的单词并将其传递给rev

line="Test this word"
for word in "$line"; do
    echo -n " $word" | rev
echo  # Add final newline

output 产量

tseT siht drow

You are actually in fairly good shape with bash. bash实际上让您状态良好。 You can use string-indexes and string-length and C-style for loops to loop over the characters in each word building a reversed string to output. 您可以使用字符串索引字符串长度和C样式for循环,以循环遍历每个单词中的字符,从而构建要输出的反向字符串。 You can control formatting in a number of ways to handle spaces between words, but a simple flag first=1 is about as easy as anything else. 您可以通过多种方式控制格式来处理单词之间的空格,但是简单的标记first=1几乎和其他任何操作一样简单。 You can do the following with your read, 您可以阅读以下内容,


while read -r line || [[ -n $line ]]; do        ## read line
    first=1                                     ## flag to control space
    a=( $( echo $line ) )                       ## put line in array
    for i in "${a[@]}"; do                      ## for each word
        tmp=                                    ## clear temp
        len=${#i}                               ## get length
        for ((j = 0; j < len; j++)); do         ## loop length times
            tmp="${tmp}${i:$((len-j-1)):1}"     ## add char len - j to tmp
        if [ "$first" -eq '1' ]; then           ## if first word
            printf "$tmp"; first=0;             ## output w/o space
            printf " $tmp"                      ## output w/space
    echo ""     ## output newline

Example Input 输入示例

$ cat dat/lines2rev.txt
my dog has fleas
the cat has none

Example Use/Output 使用/输出示例

$ bash revlines.sh <dat/lines2rev.txt
ym god sah saelf
eht tac sah enon

Look things over and let me know if you have questions. 仔细检查一下,如果您有任何问题,请告诉我。

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