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如何通过向Godaddy进行域注册在AWS EC2和ELB上实施SSL证书

[英]How to implement an SSL certificate on AWS EC2 and ELB with a domain register with Godaddy

I have inherited a project which is hosted on AWS EC2. 我继承了一个托管在AWS EC2上的项目。 The domain is registered with GoDaddy. 该域名已在GoDaddy中注册。 I am trying to assign an SSL certificate to the application. 我正在尝试为应用程序分配SSL证书。 The site can be found at: atlasvehicles.com . 该站点位于: atlasvehicles.com

I have done the following things: 我已经做了以下事情:

  1. Created a certificate using AWS Certificate manager and verified it 使用AWS Certificate Manager创建证书并对其进行验证
  2. Created an Application load balancer and assigned the SSL certificate. 创建一个应用程序负载平衡器并分配了SSL证书。 I followed this document up to the end of step 2. 我一直遵循该文档,直到步骤2结束。
  3. I created a new Hosted Zone in Route 53 and added the ip from the EC2 (see pictures below) 我在Route 53中创建了一个新的托管区域,并添加了EC2中的IP(请参见下图)

Picture of IP on EC2 | EC2上的IP图片 | Adding IP to Route 53 将IP添加到Route 53

  1. I then went to GoDaddy.com and changed the named server to the one's listed in Route 53. 然后,我转到GoDaddy.com,将命名服务器更改为Route 53中列出的服务器。

I now have a situation where it will server up via http but not https. 我现在有一种情况,它将通过http而不是https进行服务器配置。 am I bypassing the load balancer with my Route 53 and if so how do I correct this? 我是否使用Route 53绕过负载均衡器?如果是,该如何解决?

Any help on this would be really appreciate. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。

==========UPDATED============== ==========更新=============

Hi I have changed the A record in Route 53 to the alias given in ELB (they're both the same account), but this still doesn't seem to be resolving, and worse, the standard http isn't working now. 嗨,我已经将Route 53中的A记录更改为ELB中给出的别名(它们都是同一个帐户),但这似乎仍无法解决,更糟糕的是,标准的HTTP现在无法正常工作。

Please see the image below for my configuration. 请参阅下面的图像了解我的配置。

ELB configuration | ELB配置 | Route 53 config 路线53配置

I appreciate this is probably sensitive information but I'm getting kind of desperate. 我很欣赏这可能是敏感信息,但我有点绝望。 Help would be appreciated. 帮助将不胜感激。

Yes you are bypassing the load balancer. 是的,您正在绕过负载平衡器。 The load balancer's target should be the EC2 instance. 负载均衡器的目标应为EC2实例。 The domain record in Route53 should point to the load balancer (via an Alias record), not the EC2 instance. Route53中的域记录应指向负载平衡器(通过Alias记录),而不是EC2实例。

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