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[英]Conditional sum from rows into a new column in pandas

I am looking to create a new column in panda based on the value in the row. 我正在根据行中的值在panda中创建一个新列。 My sample data: 我的样本数据:


I want a new column "Last3WeekSales" corresponding to each week, having the sum of sales for the previous 3 weeks. 我想要一个对应于每周的新列“ Last3WeekSales”,其中包含前3周的销售总额。

NOTE: Shift() won't work here as data for some weeks is missing. 注意:Shift()在这里无法使用,因为缺少了数周的数据。

Logic which I thought: Checking the week no. 我认为的逻辑:检查星期数。 in each row, then summing up the data from w-1, w-2, w-3. 在每一行中,然后对w-1,w-2,w-3中的数据求和。

Output required: 需要的输出:

   A    Week  Last3WeekSales
0  a      1       0
1  a      2       2 
2  a      3       5
3  a      4       12 
4  a      5       11
5  a     11       0
6  b      1       0
7  b      2       5
8  b      3       11
9  b      4       20 

Use groupby , shift and rolling : 使用groupbyshiftrolling

df['Last3WeekSales'] = df.groupby('A')['Sales']\
                         .apply(lambda x: x.shift(1)
                                           .rolling(3, min_periods=1)

Output: 输出:

   A  Sales  Week  Last3WeekSales
0  a      2     1             0.0
1  a      3     2             2.0
2  a      7     3             5.0
3  a      1     4            12.0
4  a      4     5            11.0
5  a      3     6            12.0
6  b      5     1             0.0
7  b      6     2             5.0
8  b      9     3            11.0

you can use pandas.rolling_sum to sum over 3 last values, and shift(n) to shift your column by n times (1 in your case). 您可以使用pandas.rolling_sum对3个最后的值求和,并使用shift(n)将列移动n次(在您的情况下为1个)。

if we suppose you a column 'sales' with the sales of each week, the code would be : 如果我们假设您的“销售额”列包含每周的销售额,则代码为:

df["Last3WeekSales"] = df.groupby("A")["sales"].apply(lambda x: pd.rolling_sum(x.shoft(1),3))

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