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[英]SQLCLR stored procedure fails to install

I have created a stored procedure in Visual Studio (VS). 我已经在Visual Studio(VS)中创建了一个存储过程。 When I attempt to install the procedure after successfully creating the assembly I get the error: 在成功创建程序集后尝试安装该过程时,出现错误消息:

CREATE PROCEDURE for sp_GetDistanceAndTime failed because T-SQL and CLR types for parameter "@Profile" do not match. sp_GetDistanceAndTime的CREATE PROCEDURE失败,因为参数“ @Profile”的T-SQL和CLR类型不匹配。

How do I get this to install? 我如何安装它? Are my parameters incorrect? 我的参数不正确吗?

C# code: C#代码:

public partial class StoredProcedures
    public static void SqlStoredProcedure1(SqlString Profile, SqlString StartPosition,
           SqlString Destination)
            SqlPipe sqlPipe = SqlContext.Pipe;
            string result;
            result = PTVRequest.InvokeService(Profile.ToString(),
                    StartPosition.ToString(), Destination.ToString());

        catch (Exception ex)


SQL code: SQL代码:

Create Procedure sp_GetDistanceAndTime(@Profile text, @StartPosition text,
 @Destination text)
External NAME GetPvt.StoredProcedures.SqlStoredProcedure1
  1. Never use the TEXT , NTEXT , or IMAGE datatypes. 切勿使用TEXTNTEXTIMAGE数据类型。 Those have been deprecated for 13 years now, starting with the release of SQL Server 2005 which introduced the MAX datatypes to replace those old blob types. 从SQL Server 2005版本开始,已经弃用了13年,SQL Server 2005版本引入了MAX数据类型来替换那些旧的Blob类型。
  2. The SQLCLR API only handles Unicode strings (UTF-16LE) and not 8-bit encodings. SQLCLR API仅处理Unicode字符串(UTF-16LE),而不处理8位编码。 So, you cannot use CHAR(1 - 8000) , VARCHAR(1 - 8000) , or VARCHAR(MAX) . 因此,您不能使用CHAR(1 - 8000)VARCHAR(1 - 8000)VARCHAR(MAX) And I don't think it likes NCHAR either. 而且我也不认为它喜欢NCHAR Your choices are: NCHAR(1 - 4000) or NVARCHAR(MAX) . 您可以选择: NCHAR(1 - 4000) NVARCHAR(MAX) NCHAR(1 - 4000)NVARCHAR(MAX) Both of those map to both SqlString and SqlChars . 这些都映射到SqlStringSqlChars
  3. SqlContext.Pipe.Send(string) is equivalent to using PRINT in T-SQL. SqlContext.Pipe.Send(string)等效于在T-SQL中使用PRINT It is just a message that shows up in the "Messages" tab in SSMS. 这只是一条消息,显示在SSMS的“消息”选项卡中。 It is neither a return value nor an OUTPUT parameter. 它既不是返回值也不是OUTPUT参数。

A quick example (fix sizes to your case, etc): 一个简单的例子(根据您的情况确定大小等):

public static void SqlStoredProcedure1([SqlFacet(MaxSize=100)] string Profile,
[SqlFacet(MaxSize=200)] string StartPosition,
[SqlFacet(MaxSize=100)] string Destination)

And: 和:

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_GetDistanceAndTime
   @Profile nVARCHAR(100), @StartPosition nVARCHAR(200), @Destination nVARCHAR(100)
   AS EXTERNAL NAME GetPvt.StoredProcedures.SqlStoredProcedure1

See Mapping CLR Parameter Data for details. 有关详细信息,请参见映射CLR参数数据

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