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[英]Name “function name” is not defined

I've been attempting to complete one of my subjects for the OOP, but I couldn't manage to figure out what's wrong with the definition of my functions. 我一直试图完成OOP的一个主题,但我无法弄清楚我的函数定义有什么问题。 I'm a newbie in this language, already searched the forums but I couldn't find anything useful. 我是这种语言的新手,已经搜索过论坛,但我找不到任何有用的东西。

Error message: Traceback (most recent call last): 错误消息:回溯(最近一次调用最后一次):
File "/home/main.py", line 44, in 文件“/home/main.py”,第44行,in
add(x, y) 添加(x,y)
NameError: name 'add' is not defined NameError:未定义名称“add”

This is the program I wrote. 这是我写的程序。

class Complex(object):
def __init__(self, r = 0, i = 0):
   self.r = r
   self.i = i

def __str__ (self):
   return "%s + i%s" % (self.r, self.i)

def add (self, other):
   summ = Complex()
   summ.r = self.r + other.r
   summ.i = self.i + other.i
   return "Sum is %d" % summ

def dif (self, other):
   dif = Complex()
   dif.r = self.r - other.r
   dif.i = self.i - other.i 
   return dif

def multiply (self, other):
   multiply = Complex()
   multiply.r = self.r * other.r 
   multiply.i = self.i * other.i
   return "%d" % (-1 * multiply.r * multiply.i)

def divide (self, other):
   divide = Complex()
   divide.r = self.r / other.r
   divide.i = self.i / other.i 
   return "%d" % (divide.r / divide.i)

x = Complex()
y = Complex()
x.r = int(input("Type in real part of x: \n"))
x.i = int(input("Type in imaginary of x: \n"))
print (x, "\n")
y.r = int(input("Type in real part of y: \n"))
y.i = int(input("Type in imaginary of y: \n"))
print (y, "\n")
add(x, y)

The add() function is a member of the Complex class but you are calling it on its own. add()函数是Complex类的成员,但您自己调用它。

You need to call it like this 你需要这样称呼它


When a function is a member of a class like below: 当函数是类的成员时,如下所示:

class Complex(object):
    def add (self, other):
        # Do stuff

The object the function is called on automatically gets passed as self . 调用该函数的对象自动作为self传递。

So if you call x.add(y) , self will be x and other will be y . 因此,如果你调用x.add(y)self将是xother将是y

If add is a method of your class Complex, then you must write x.add(y) instead of add(x, y). 如果add是类Complex的方法,则必须编写x.add(y)而不是add(x,y)。

I know that it is confusing in Python. 我知道它在Python中令人困惑。 You need always to apply the "self" as first argument of a method, although it is not an argument, but the object whose method you call. 您总是需要将“self”应用为方法的第一个参数,尽管它不是参数,而是您调用其方法的对象。

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