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如何使用Camera Xamarin Forms Android捕获多张照片

[英]How to Capture multiple photos with Camera xamarin Forms android

I am developing Xamrin form application. 我正在开发Xamrin表单应用程序。 Inside it, I am trying to capture multiple photos using a camera with the same intent. 在其中,我试图使用具有相同意图的相机捕获多张照片。 without using any nuget package? 不使用任何nuget包?

for this, I am following this link Camera 为此,我正在关注此链接相机


static readonly File file = new File(Environment.GetExternalStoragePublicDirectory(
                                Environment.DirectoryPictures), "tmp.jpg");

At the end of OnCreate 在OnCreate的结尾

(Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current as App).ShouldTakePicture += () => {
    var intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ActionImageCapture);
    intent.PutExtra(MediaStore.ExtraOutput, Uri.FromFile(file));
    StartActivityForResult(intent, 0);

here I am getting only 1 photo on clicking camera button but I want to capture more photo and I want its file path 在这里,单击“相机”按钮时我只会得到1张照片,但我想捕获更多照片,并且想要其文件路径

in OnActivityResult 在OnActivityResult中

(Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current as App).ShowImage(file.Path);

but maybe it has few limitations such as we can not capture multiple photos at a time? 但也许没有什么限制,例如我们一次不能拍摄多张照片? Is anyone is having an idea how to capture multiple photos and bind it to listview? 有谁知道如何捕获多张照片并将其绑定到Listview?

Yes after so much struggle I am able to do this. 是的,经过这么多的努力,我能够做到这一点。 It may be helpful for someone who is working on such things in xamarin forms. 这可能会对从事xamarin形式的此类工作的人有所帮助。

This is my code 这是我的代码

 public partial class App : Application
       // public static App Instance;

        public App ()
            MainPage = new CameraGallery.MainPage();

MainPage.xaml MainPage.xaml

// please install FlowListView and ffimageloading nuget pckg //请安装FlowListView和ffimageloading nuget pckg

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"

            <StackLayout x:Name="CameraLayout">
                <flv:FlowListView FlowColumnCount="3" x:Name="listItemsCam" 
                        HasUnevenRows="false" RowHeight="100" >
                        <DataTemplate >
                            <ffimageloading:CachedImage  DownsampleToViewSize="true" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutFlags="All" HeightRequest="100" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="0,0,1,1" Source="{Binding .}"  Aspect="AspectFill" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand">
                <!--<Image x:Name="image" IsVisible="False"></Image>-->

MainPage.xaml.cs MainPage.xaml.cs

 public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
            ObservableCollection<string> camImageCollection;
            public static MainPage Instance;

            public MainPage()
                Instance = this;

                var btn = new Button
                    Text = "Snap!",
                    Command = new Command(o => ShouldTakePicture()),

                camImageCollection = new ObservableCollection<string>();
            public event Action ShouldTakePicture = () => { };

            public void ShowImage(string[] filepath)
               foreach(var item in filepath)
                 listItemsCam.FlowItemsSource = camImageCollection;

now go to your android project inside it MainActivity.cs 现在转到MainActivity.cs中的android项目

[Activity(Label = "CameraGallery", Icon = "@drawable/icon", Theme = "@style/MainTheme", MainLauncher = true, ConfigurationChanges = ConfigChanges.ScreenSize | ConfigChanges.Orientation)]
public class MainActivity : global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity
        public static int OPENCAMERACODE = 102;
        //inside OnCreate after LoadApplication(new App()); add these lines
         protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
            TabLayoutResource = Resource.Layout.Tabbar;
            ToolbarResource = Resource.Layout.Toolbar;

            global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, bundle);

            LoadApplication(new App());
            MainPage.Instance.ShouldTakePicture += () =>
                ICursor cursor = loadCursor();
                image_count_before = cursor.Count;
                Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.IntentActionStillImageCamera);
                IList<ResolveInfo> activities = PackageManager.QueryIntentActivities(intent, 0);
                if(activities.Count >0)
                    StartActivityForResult(Intent.CreateChooser(intent, "Camera Capture"), OPENCAMERACODE);
        public ICursor loadCursor()
            string[] columns = new string[] { MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.Data, MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.Id };
            string orderBy = MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DateAdded;
            return ContentResolver.Query(MediaStore.Images.Media.ExternalContentUri, columns, null, null, orderBy);
        private void exitingCamera()
            ICursor cursor = loadCursor();
            string[] paths = getImagePaths(cursor, image_count_before);
            MainPage.Instance.ShowImage(paths);// this parameter pass to MainPage.xaml.cs
        public string[] getImagePaths(ICursor cursor, int startPosition)
            int size = cursor.Count - startPosition;
            if (size <= 0) return null;
            string[] paths = new string[size];

            int dataColumnIndex = cursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.Data);
            for (int i = startPosition; i < cursor.Count; i++)

                paths[i - startPosition] = cursor.GetString(dataColumnIndex);
            return paths;
        //inside OnActivityResult method do this
        protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, Result resultCode, Intent data)
            base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
            switch (requestCode)
                case 102:

I hope this help someone. 我希望这可以帮助某人。 enjoy coding... 享受编码...

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