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Spring Boot Jackson Databind-配置继承

[英]Spring Boot Jackson Databind - Configure Inheritance

Suppose I have a base class A : 假设我有一个基类A

public class A {
    public String a;

And two child classes B and C : 还有两个子类BC

public class B extends A {
    public String b;

public class C extends A {
    public String c;

And wrapper of A class: A类的包装:

public class Wrapper {
    public A a;

And I have Rest controller that receives client requests as wrapper object: 我有Rest控制器,它接收客户端请求作为包装对象:

public class SomeController {

    public void foo(@RequestBody Wrapper wrapper) {}


The problem is that Jackson casts wrapper field to base class A . 问题是杰克逊将包装器字段转换为基类A

How can I configure it to recieve correct type? 如何配置它以接收正确的类型?

Annotate your base class A with type information that tells Jackson how to decide whether a given json object should be deserialized to B.java or C.java . 用类型信息注释基类A ,该信息告诉Jackson如何决定将给定的json对象反序列化为B.javaC.java

Ex: With the below code, we are telling jackson that json object for A.class will contain a property with key type whose value can be either "b" or "c". 例如:使用下面的代码,我们告诉杰克逊,A.class的json对象将包含一个键type为属性的属性,其值可以是“ b”或“ c”。 If the value is "b", deserialize the object to B.class , else deserialize it to C.class 如果值为“ b”,则将该对象反序列化为B.class ,否则将其反序列C.class

@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "type")  
    @Type(value = B.class, name = "b"),  
    @Type(value = B.class, name= "c")
class A {

Following is the json that you should be using. 以下是您应该使用的json。

   "a" : { // This will be deserialized to B.class
      "type": "b",
      // field of B.class

   "a" : { // This will be deserialized to C.class
      "type": "c",
      // field of C.class

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