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如何启用GitHub Pages网站的www版本

[英]How to enable the www version of a GitHub Pages website

I have a website https://iamshouvikmitra.github.io but when I visit https://www.iamshouvikmitra.github.io it redirects me to a 404 page. 我有一个网站https://iamshouvikmitra.github.io,但是当我访问https://www.iamshouvikmitra.github.io时,它会将我重定向到404页面。 Is there any way I could also enable the www version of the website? 有什么办法可以启用网站的www版本吗?

No, there is not a www subdomain for the username.github.io web pages. 不,username.github.io网页没有www子域。 If you'd like to use a www subdomain you can add a custom domain . 如果您想使用www子域,则可以添加自定义域

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