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[英]Download an active Storage attachment to disc

The guide says that I can save an attachment to disc to run a process on it like this: 该指南说我可以保存光盘附件以在其上运行一个过程,如下所示:

message.video.open do |file|
  system '/path/to/virus/scanner', file.path
  # ...

My model has an attachment defined as: 我的模型的附件定义为:

has_one_attached :zip

And then in the model I have defined: 然后在我定义的模型中:

def process_zip      
  zip.open do |file|
    # process the zip file

However I am getting an error : 但是我收到一个错误:

private method `open' called

on the zip.open call. 在zip.open调用。

How can I save the zip locally for processing? 如何在本地保存zip以进行处理?

As an alternative in Rails 5.2 you can do this: 作为Rails 5.2的替代方案,您可以这样做:

def process_zip      
   # Download the zip file in temp dir
   zip_path = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/#{zip.filename}"
   File.open(zip_path, 'wb') do |file|

   Zip::File.open(zip_path) do |zip_file|  
       # process the zip file
       # ...
       puts "processing file #{zip_file}"

That's an edge guide (note edgeguides.rubyonrails.org in the URL); 这是一个边缘指南(注意edgeguides.rubyonrails.org中的edgeguides.rubyonrails.org ); it applies to the master branch of the rails/rails repository on GitHub. 它适用于GitHub上rails / rails存储库的master分支。 The latest changes in master haven't been included in a released version of Rails yet. 主要的最新更改尚未包含在已发布的Rails版本中。

You're likely using Rails 5.2. 您可能正在使用Rails 5.2。 Use edge Rails to take advantage of ActiveStorage::Blob#open : 使用edge Rails来利用ActiveStorage::Blob#open

gem "rails", github: "rails/rails"

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