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[英]Assert a class was added to an element

I'm stuck on writing a unit test for a Vue.js component asserting that a particular CSS class is added to the template. 我坚持为Vue.js组件编写单元测试,声称将特定的CSS类添加到了模板中。

Here's my template: 这是我的模板:

  <div id="item-list" class="item-list">
    <table id="item-list-lg" class="table table-hover nomargin hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md">
          <th>Included modules</th>
        <tr v-bind:id="'list-lg-item-' + item.id"
            v-for="item in items"
          <td class="list-item-name">{{item.name}}</td>
          <td class="list-included-parts">
            <span v-for="part in item.parts" :key="part.id">{{part.name}}, </span>

And here's the Component class (Typescript): 这是Component类(Typescript):

import { Component, Prop, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { Item, Items } from '@/models/Item';

export default class ItemList extends Vue {
    @Prop({required: false}) private items: Item[] = Items;

    public itemClass(item: Item): any {
        return {
            'list-item-details': true,
            'list-global-item': item.isGlobalItem(),

All fairly simple, and I can see the code is correct: the appropriate items are highlighted in the component at runtime. 一切都很简单,我可以看到代码是正确的:在运行时组件中突出显示了相应的项目。 The unit test, however fails with the message 单元测试,但是失败并显示以下消息

Error: [vue-test-utils]: find did not return tr#list-lg-item-id.1, cannot call classes() on empty Wrapper 错误:[vue-test-utils]:查找未返回tr#list-lg-item-id.1,无法在空包装器上调用classes()

Here's my test (Typescript again): 这是我的测试(再次是Typescript):

describe('ItemList.vue', () => {
  const wrapper = shallowMount(ItemList, {
    propsData: { items: Items },

  it('highlights global items in the list', () => {
      .filter((i) => i.isGlobalItem())
      .map((i) =>
        // E.g. list-item-id.1

I have tried find() ing on just the id, rather than a tr with that id, and saw the same effect. 我试过只在id上find() ,而不是在具有该id的trfind() ,并且看到了相同的效果。 Furthermore, if I modify the test to output the HTML from the wrapper, I see the tr element with the id set correctly is present in the output. 此外,如果修改测试以从包装器输出HTML,我会看到在输出中存在正确设置了id的tr元素。

<div data-v-63e8ee02="" id="item-list" class="item-list">
  <table data-v-63e8ee02="" id="item-list-lg" class="table table-hover nomargin hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md">
    <thead data-v-63e8ee02="">
      <tr data-v-63e8ee02="">
        <th data-v-63e8ee02="">Name</th>
        <th data-v-63e8ee02="">Included parts</th>
    <tbody data-v-63e8ee02="">
      <tr data-v-63e8ee02="" id="list-item-id.1" class="list-item-details list-global-item">
        <td data-v-63e8ee02="" class="list-item-name">Foo</td>
        <td data-v-63e8ee02="" class="list-included-parts">
          <span data-v-63e8ee02="">Bar, </span>
          <span data-v-63e8ee02="">Baz, </span>
          <span data-v-63e8ee02="">Qux, </span>
          <span data-v-63e8ee02="">Quux, </span>

What am I missing? 我想念什么? Is this related to the fact the id attribute is set dynamically? 这与id属性是动态设置的事实有关吗?


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