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[英]How do I use the external variables from external javascript file into index.pug?

Suppose, I have an external javascript file named myscript.js . 假设我有一个名为myscript.js的外部javascript文件。 It declares a variable named headArr which is an array. 它声明了一个名为headArr的变量,它是一个数组。

 headArr = [`id`,`firstname`,`lastname`,`company`,`salary`];

In the index.pug , I have an include: index.pug ,我包含:

        include ../public/script/myscript.js

And I use an each iteration to read each member of the array. 我使用each迭代来读取数组的每个成员。

  each val in headArr
    li= val

It returns/shows error that it can't read headArr.length return undefined 它返回/显示it can't read headArr.length return undefined

Then perhaps including your script server-side is an option for you? 那么也许包括您的脚本服务器端是您的选择?

// myscript.js
export const headArr = [`id`,`firstname`,`lastname`,`company`,`salary`];

// Where you do your rendering
import { headArr } from myscript.js
await ctx.render(index, { headArr }); 

Pug allows you to pass in variables as the second argument, which will be bound to window when rendered { test: "something" } becomes window.test . Pug允许您传入变量作为第二个参数,当渲染{ test: "something" }成为window.test时,该变量将绑定到window。 (ctx.render is just executing the compiledTemplate-function pug has generated); (ctx.render只是在执行已生成的pug已编译的模板函数);

I can find the solution. 我可以找到解决方案。 Thank@ippi In koa.js, you can use require only. Thank @ ippi在koa.js中,您只能使用require。

For my case: In your script add 就我而言:在您的脚本中添加

const head = [`id`,`firstname`,`lastname`,`company`,`salary`];

module.exports.head = head;

Then, index.js add 然后,将index.js添加

const myScript = require('./public/script/myscript');

Then render the page 然后呈现页面

router.get(`/`, async ctx => {
    await ctx.render(`index`,myScript)

Finally, add the Each iteration to your index.pug file 最后,将“每个迭代”添加到index.pug文件中

            each i in head
                th= i
router.get(/, async ctx => 
    { await ctx.render ('index', { headArr: headArr} ) 

In your myscript.js file, you can use this code while rendering index.pub. 在myscript.js文件中,可以在渲染index.pub时使用此代码。 Because pug file takes object as a input and you need to pass headArr in that object. 由于pug文件将对象作为输入,因此您需要在该对象中传递headArr。

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