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Dart & Flutter是什么开发

[英]What is the Dart & Flutter Development

Is Dart my only programming language option with Flutter or can I use other languages like C++, Java, Kotlin, or Go? Dart 是我使用 Flutter 的唯一编程语言选项,还是我可以使用其他语言,如 C++、Java、Kotlin 或 Go? What are all the available options for langugaes with the Flutter framework if they're are additional options. Flutter 框架的语言有哪些可用选项(如果它们是附加选项)。

During the initial development phase, the Flutter team looked at a lot of languages and runtimes, and ultimately adopted Dart for the framework and widgets.在最初的开发阶段,Flutter 团队查看了很多语言和运行时,最终在框架和小部件中采用了 Dart。 Flutter used four primary dimensions for evaluation, and considered the needs of framework authors, developers, and end users. Flutter 使用四个主要维度进行评估,并考虑了框架作者、开发人员和最终用户的需求。 We found many languages met some requirements, but Dart scored highly on all of our evaluation dimensions and met all our requirements and criteria.我们发现许多语言都满足了一些要求,但 Dart 在我们所有的评估维度上都得分很高,并且满足了我们的所有要求和标准。

Dart runtimes and compilers support the combination of two critical features for Flutter: a JIT-based fast development cycle that allows for shape changing and stateful hot reloads in a language with types, plus an Ahead-of-Time compiler that emits efficient ARM code for fast startup and predictable performance of production deployments. Dart 运行时和编译器支持 Flutter 的两个关键功能的组合:基于 JIT 的快速开发周期,允许在具有类型的语言中进行形状更改和有状态的热重载,以及为生产部署的快速启动和可预测的性能。

In addition, we have the opportunity to work closely with the Dart community, which is actively investing resources in improving Dart for use in Flutter.此外,我们有机会与 Dart 社区密切合作,该社区正在积极投入资源改进 Dart,以便在 Flutter 中使用。 For example, when we adopted Dart, the language didn't have an ahead-of-time toolchain for producing native binaries, which is instrumental in achieving predictable, high performance, but now the language does because the Dart team built it for Flutter.例如,当我们采用 Dart 时,该语言没有用于生成本地二进制文件的提前工具链,这有助于实现可预测的高性能,但现在该语言有了,因为 Dart 团队为 Flutter 构建了它。 Similarly, the Dart VM has previously been optimized for throughput but the team is now optimizing the VM for latency, which is more important for Flutter's workload.同样,Dart VM 之前已经针对吞吐量进行了优化,但团队现在正在针对延迟优化 VM,这对于 Flutter 的工作负载来说更为重要。

Highly subject roadmap flutter developer!高度主题的路线图颤振开发人员! 在此处输入图片说明

Dart is the only programming language that is currently supported by the Flutter framework. Dart是目前Flutter框架唯一支持的编程语言。 You can get started here .您可以从这里开始

To be honest, I doubt that there are any plans on integrating other programming languages because Flutter is built around Dart and vise versa.老实说,我怀疑是否有任何计划集成其他编程语言,因为Flutter是围绕Dart构建的,反之亦然。

When writing applications in the framework, you can still access native code, that would be Android (Java, Kotlin, C++) , iOS (Objective-C, Swift) and probably other platforms in the future.在框架中编写应用程序时,您仍然可以访问原生代码,即 Android (Java、Kotlin、C++) 、iOS (Objective-C、Swift)以及未来可能的其他平台。

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