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[英]How to get place where image from photo gallery was taken (not GPS coordinates) on iOS?

Images in Photos app on iOS sometimes have associated place where photo was taken. iOS上“照片”应用程序中的图像有时与拍摄照片的位置有关。 Eg, city name or even particular place in the city like Pike Place Market in Seattle. 例如,城市名称,甚至是城市中的特定地点,例如西雅图的派克市场。 This place is displayed as image title in nav bar in iOS Photos app. 此地点在iOS相册应用的导航栏中显示为图像标题。

How can I get that metadata? 如何获得该元数据?

I'm accessing photos using PHAssetCollection.FetchAssetCollections method. 我正在使用PHAssetCollection.FetchAssetCollections方法访问照片。

You can get location directly from PHAsset Object. 您可以直接从PHAsset对象获取位置。 To get place Info. 获取地点信息。 ie Address use CoreLocation Framework 即地址使用CoreLocation框架

func reverseGeoCoding(asset: PHAsset) {
    let location = asset.location

    let geocoder = CLGeocoder()
    geocoder.reverseGeocodeLocation(location) { (placemarks, error) in

        if let error = error {
            print("Geo Coding Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")

        guard let placemarks = placemarks,
            let firstPlacemark = placemarks.first,
            let addressDictionary = firstPlacemark.addressDictionary else { return }
        //            let street = addressDictionary["Street"]
        //            let city = addressDictionary["City"]
        //            let state = addressDictionary["State"]
        //            let zip = addressDictionary["ZIP"]
        if let array = addressDictionary["FormattedAddressLines"] as? [Any] {
            let address = array.map { "\($0)" }.joined(separator: ",\n")
            print("Address : \(address)")

Update: 更新:

For the address you can get address directly from CLPlacemark Object 对于地址,您可以直接从CLPlacemark对象获取地址

See the reference : https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corelocation/clplacemark 请参阅参考资料: https : //developer.apple.com/documentation/corelocation/clplacemark

from previous code let firstPlacemark = placemarks.first 从之前的代码中, let firstPlacemark = placemarks.first

firstPlacemark.property (property mention below) firstPlacemark.propertyfirstPlacemark.property属性)

// CLPlacemark properties

open var name: String? { get } // eg. Apple Inc.

open var thoroughfare: String? { get } // street name, eg. Infinite Loop

open var subThoroughfare: String? { get } // eg. 1

open var locality: String? { get } // city, eg. Cupertino

open var subLocality: String? { get } // neighborhood, common name, eg. Mission District

open var administrativeArea: String? { get } // state, eg. CA

open var subAdministrativeArea: String? { get } // county, eg. Santa Clara

open var postalCode: String? { get } // zip code, eg. 95014

open var isoCountryCode: String? { get } // eg. US

open var country: String? { get } // eg. United States

open var inlandWater: String? { get } // eg. Lake Tahoe

open var ocean: String? { get } // eg. Pacific Ocean

open var areasOfInterest: [String]? { get } // eg. Golden Gate Park

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