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[英]shell script not storing command output as variable

I have defined a function to check if the environment variable VIRTUAL_ENV is set, and if so, figure out the current python version. 我定义了一个函数来检查是否设置了环境变量VIRTUAL_ENV ,如果已设置,请找出当前的python版本。

theme_python_prompt () {
    if [ -v VIRTUAL_ENV ]
        local VERSION="$(python -V)"
        echo -n "%{$fg[yellow]%}%{$reset_color%}:${VERSION}(%{$fg[magenta]%}$(basename ${VIRTUAL_ENV})%{$reset_color%})"

But, this is just outputting the result of python -V to stdout instead of storing it into the variable. 但是,这只是将python -V的结果输出到stdout而不是将其存储到变量中。 Printing the whole stack ( set -x ) shows the following: 打印整个堆栈( set -x )显示以下内容:

+theme_python_prompt:1> [ -v VIRTUAL_ENV ']'                                   
+theme_python_prompt:3> python -V                    
Python 2.7.15                          
+theme_python_prompt:3> echo ''         
+theme_python_prompt:3> local VERSION=''
+theme_python_prompt:4> basename /home/hjpotter92/.virtualenvs/test-2fI9Fep8
+theme_python_prompt:4> echo -n $'%{\C-[[33m%}%{\C-[[00m%}:(%{\C-[[35m%}test-2fI9Fep8%{\C-[[00m%})'

A similar function to fetch me rbenv info is working without issues: 一个类似的获取我rbenv信息的功能可以正常工作:

theme_rbenv_prompt () {
    if ! type rbenv > /dev/null
        echo -n ""
        local VERSION="$(rbenv_prompt_info)"
        [ "$VERSION" != "system" ] && echo "%{$fg_bold[red]%}%{$reset_color%}:${VERSION} " || echo -n ""

where rbenv_prompt_info is from oh-my-zsh plugin . 其中rbenv_prompt_info来自oh-my-zsh插件

python -V prints to stderr , not stdout . python -V打印到stderr而不是stdout You need to redirect the standard error to standard output, otherwise you'll get an empty string. 您需要将标准错误重定向到标准输出,否则将得到一个空字符串。

Use local VERSION=$(python -V 2>&1) instead. 请改用local VERSION=$(python -V 2>&1)

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