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[英]Assigning a variable to the output of a function

So I'm trying to run a function, while returning its' return value to a variable, so that I can run another function with that information, but separately. 因此,我尝试运行一个函数,同时将其返回值返回给变量,以便我可以单独运行带有该信息的另一个函数。 I want to know if, when I do this, it actually runs the whole function. 我想知道是否在执行此操作时实际上运行了整个功能。 Example: 例:

function a() {
  blah blah blah;
  return b;
var c = a();
function d(x) {
  something with c;

When I assign a() to c, does that run a()? 当我为c分配a()时,是否运行a()? or just find the return value, and return it. 或者只是找到返回值,然后将其返回。 I would greatly appreciate this! 我将不胜感激! Thanks. 谢谢。


var c = a()

will execute function a, and store the results in the var c. 将执行功能a,并将结果存储在var c中。

If you want to refer to the function itself and not what is returned from executing the function, you would write: 如果要引用函数本身而不是执行函数返回的内容,则应编写:

var c = a

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