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[英]How to get lists of ERC20, ERC721 and ERC827 tokens from Ethereum address

How can I get lists of ERC20, ERC721 and ERC827 tokens in a particular Ethereum wallet address? 如何获取特定以太坊钱包地址中的ERC20,ERC721和ERC827令牌列表? Also I would like to be able to get the name, symbol, logo, and balance from the main net. 我也希望能够从主网上获取名称,符号,徽标和余额。

I don't think you can do a total data dive per address. 我认为您无法针对每个地址进行总数据分析。 I think you have to go the other way around, meaning looking if a contract contains a certain token. 我认为您必须采取另一种方法,即查看合同中是否包含特定令牌。 For the major tokens like EOS , this should be easy with MEW. 对于像EOS这样的主要代币,使用MEW应该很容易。

But if you're looking for some obscure tokens such as the ones below, you probably have to add them to MEW manually to check: 但是,如果您正在寻找一些晦涩的令牌(例如下面的令牌),则可能必须手动将它们添加到MEW进行检查:

ERC-721 includes an optional interface (optional means the contract implementor can choose if they want to implement it) to enumerate tokens owned by a specific account. ERC-721包括一个可选接口(可选,意味着合同实施者可以选择是否要实施)来枚举特定帐户拥有的令牌。

Su Squares implements this feature, but few other contracts do it. Su Squares实现了此功能,但很少有其他合同可以做到这一点。

You can use tools like Etherscan, Enjinx Blockchain Explorer or write your own interface to a Ethereum JSON RPC host to collect the data. 您可以使用Etherscan,Enjinx Blockchain Explorer之类的工具,也可以将自己的接口编写到以太坊JSON RPC主机中以收集数据。

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