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[英]Privacy Camera Description issue in info.plist

I'm making an app in which there is camera usage. 我正在制作一个使用相机的应用程序。 I have added the key Privacy - Camera Usage Description and I have added the description also with it. 我添加了关键Privacy - Camera Usage Description并且还添加了说明。 "Use camera to display ARKit content." “使用相机显示ARKit内容。”

But when I run the app it crashes my app with this error: 但是,当我运行该应用程序时,它因以下错误而使我的应用程序崩溃:

This app has crashed because it attempted to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. 该应用已崩溃,因为它尝试访问没有使用说明的隐私敏感数据。 The app's Info.plist must contain an NSCameraUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data. 应用程序的Info.plist必须包含NSCameraUsageDescription键,该键具有字符串值,该字符串值向用户说明应用程序如何使用此数据。

I'm confused why I'm getting this error since I have added it in the Info.plist. 我很困惑为什么我收到此错误,因为我已将其添加到Info.plist中。

Try below things, 尝试以下事情,

  1. Delete app from Simulator or Device 从模拟器或设备中删除应用
  2. Press Cmd + Shift + K to clean the project and Cmd + Alt + Shift + K to clean the build directory Cmd + Shift + K清理项目,按Cmd + Alt + Shift + K清理构建目录
  3. Remove Derived Data folder 删除衍生数据文件夹
  4. Quit and restart Xcode 退出并重新启动Xcode

FYI. 仅供参考。 Just give it a try. 试一试。

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