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Android Studio在输入时卡住了

[英]Android Studio get stuck when typing

I am using AS 3.1.2 to create an app but when I typing code, which is always, the AS have a delay from letter to letter and it very annoying to work like this. 我正在使用AS 3.1.2来创建一个应用程序,但是当我输入代码时,AS始终是一个字母到字母的延迟,这样工作非常烦人。 I treid to reinstall the AS but it didn't work. 我想重新安装AS,但它没有用。

Someone maby know how to fix it? 有人maby知道如何解决它吗? I have 16gb ram and Intel I5 6500 processor 我有16GB RAM和Intel I5 6500处理器

When the AS running he using +- 2.5gb of ram 当AS运行时,他使用+ - 2.5gb的ram


I don't know if this is the actual cause, it's merely a proposition. 我不知道这是不是真正的原因,它只是一个命题。 Have you tried checking the compatibility of AS3 with your Windows version, because from your task Manager view, it is evident that you have a 32 bit system. 您是否尝试检查AS3与Windows版本的兼容性,因为从任务管理器视图来看,很明显您拥有32位系统。 Since AS 3 is released recently with 32 bit compatibility being dropped with recently released softwares, games and OS, I assume the problem is with your 32 bit system. 由于最近发布的AS 3与最近发布的软件,游戏和操作系统的32位兼容性下降,我认为问题出在你的32位系统上。 Try running it on a 64 bit system and it may solve the problem. 尝试在64位系统上运行它,它可以解决问题。

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