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[英]What is the correct format to get Django Header value when Header name contain `_` underscore

My CURL command:- 我的CURL命令:

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8000/sendData/ \
  -H 'authorization: Token b67d31c42d98b3c97b28c737629dca63ef5043fc' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'client_cdata: virat' \
  -H 'clientdata: sachin' \
  -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data;' \
  -H 'postman-token: ed70d17c-ecf6-66c7-619e-85eac7d62803' \
  -F purchasID=23124212 \
  -F purchaserAmount=4320'

I tried to get Header Data 我试图获取标题数据


I got the value sachin same as when i try to get request.META['HTTP_CLIENT_CDATA'] it not working, It's showing the *** KeyError error. 我获得的sachin值与尝试获取request.META['HTTP_CLIENT_CDATA']时的值相同,它显示*** KeyError错误。

What is the correct format to get Header value when header name contain _ ? 标头名称包含_时,获取标头值的正确格式是什么?

I can't change header data, Because of this API is called by another domain(It result provided by another site or server), I'm creating API end points. 我无法更改标头数据,因为此API是由另一个域调用的(结果由另一个站点或服务器提供),所以我正在创建API端点。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Working on the assumption that you're probably using either Nginx or Apache as a reverse proxy, headers containing underscores are dropped by these servers to avoid problems when mapping such headers to CGI variables. 在假设您可能使用Nginx或Apache作为反向代理的前提下,这些服务器会删除包含下划线的标头,以避免将此类标头映射到CGI变量时出现问题。

If you need to support underscores - which it sounds as though you do, because they're coming from a third party - then you have to enable support. 如果您需要支持下划线(听起来像您那样,因为您来自第三方),那么您必须启用支持。

For Nginx ( link ) 对于Nginxlink

underscores_in_headers on;

For Apache ( link ) 对于Apachelink

SetEnvIfNoCase ^client.cdata$ ^(.*)$ fix_client_cdata=$1
RequestHeader set client-cdata %{fix_client_cdata}e env=fix_client_cdata

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