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[英]how to stop the import of a python module

suppose I have a file my_plugin.py 假设我有一个文件my_plugin.py

var1 = 1
def my_function():

and in my main program I import this plugin 在我的主程序中,我导入了此插件

import my_plugin

Is there a way to silently disable this plugin with something like a return statement? 有没有办法像return语句那样静默禁用此插件?

for example I could "mask" the behavior of my_function like this: 例如,我可以像这样“屏蔽” my_function的行为:

def my_function():

I am wondering if I can do this for the module as a way to turn it on and off depending on what I am trying to do with the overall project. 我想知道是否可以针对模块执行此操作,以根据我要对整个项目进行的操作来打开和关闭该模块。 So something like: 所以像这样:

return  # this is invalid, but something that says stop running this module
        # but continue on with the rest of the python program
var1 = 1
def my_function():

I suppose I could just comment everything out and that would work... but I was wondering if something a little more concise exists 我想我可以将所有内容都注释掉,并且行得通...但是我想知道是否存在一些更简洁的方法

--- The purpose: The thinking behind this is I have a large-ish code-base that is extensible by plugins. ---目的:背后的想法是我有一个很大的代码库,可以通过插件扩展。 There is a plugins directory so the main program looks in the directory and runs all the modules that are in there. 有一个插件目录,因此主程序在目录中查找并运行其中的所有模块。 The use case was just to put a little kill switch inside plugins that are causing problems as an alternative to deleting or moving the file temporarily 用例只是在引起问题的插件中放置一个小小的kill开关,以作为临时删除或移动文件的替代方法

You can just conditionally import the module: 您可以有条件地导入模块:

if thing == otherthing:
   import module

This is entire valid syntax in python. 这是python中的完整有效语法。 With this you can set a flag on a variable at the start of your project that will import modules based on what you need in that project. 这样,您可以在项目开始时在变量上设置标志,该标志将根据您在该项目中需要的内容导入模块。

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