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[英]How do i know which url a packet is going to or coming from in python

Below is an example of the packets I'm getting:- 以下是我收到的数据包的示例:-

Destination MAC : 88:ae:1d:ab:11:95 Source MAC : d0:d0:fd:f5:74:46 Protocol : 8
Version : 4 IP Header Length : 5 TTL : 53 Protocol : 6 Source Address : Destination Address :
Source Port : 3128 Dest Port : 52662 Sequence Number : 623854838 Acknowledgement : 396375922 TCP header length : 5


In theory you can try a reverse DNS lookup: 从理论上讲,您可以尝试反向DNS查找:

import socket

You have to replace IP_ADDRESS. 您必须替换IP_ADDRESS。

But I am not sure if it works, if your provider use NATs. 但是,如果您的提供商使用NAT,我不确定是否可行。

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