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缺少Azure Service Bus名称空间的管理UI

[英]Missing management UI for Azure Service Bus namespace

I'm missing the management UI in the Azure Portal for several Azure Service Bus namespaces. 我在Azure门户中缺少几个Azure Service Bus命名空间的管理UI。 I can't see any Entities, Settings, Monitoring, etc. These are very old namespaces that were previously created in the old management UI. 我看不到任何实体,设置,监视等。这些是以前在旧的管理UI中创建的非常旧的名称空间。 The queues created under the namespaces are working perfectly - I just can't see them to manage them. 在命名空间下创建的队列运行良好-我只是看不到它们来管理它们。 I don't think they were created with ACS, but it's possible they were. 我不认为它们是使用ACS创建的,但有可能是这样。 I can't easily re-create them without coordinating the re-issuing of public keys with many vendors. 如果不与许多供应商协调重新发行公钥,我将无法轻松地重新创建它们。 Is there a way I can re-attach the Azure Portal to these Service Bus namespaces? 有没有一种方法可以将Azure门户重新附加到这些服务总线名称空间?



I started seeing this myself a week or two ago. 一两个星期前,我自己开始看到这种情况。 Just F5 and it should load as usual. 只是F5,它应该照常加载。 I assumed it's a portal bug, although it could be a weird browser/extension interaction. 我认为这是一个门户网站错误,尽管它可能是一个奇怪的浏览器/扩展交互。

It is expected to face problems with the namespaces which are ACS authorized. 预期将面临ACS授权的名称空间的问题。 As you mentioned that the namespaces were created in Old Management Portal, there is possibility that they might be created with ACS authorization. 正如您提到的那样,名称空间是在Old Management Portal中创建的,很有可能使用ACS授权来创建它们。 Here is the blog post by Microsoft , which explains the deprecation of ACS in near future and steps to migrate the namespaces from ACS to SAS authorization. 这是Microsoft博客文章 ,它解释了ACS在不久的将来将不推荐使用的步骤,以及将命名空间从ACS迁移到SAS授权的步骤。 Hope this solves your problem. 希望这能解决您的问题。

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