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[英]Best way to add dictionary entry and append to JSON file in Python

I have a need to add entries to a dictionary with the following keys: 我需要使用以下键将条目添加到字典中:


I want each entry to append to a JSON file, where I will access them for another piece of the project. 我希望每个条目都附加到JSON文件中,以便在项目的另一部分访问它们。

What I have below technically works, but there are couple things(at least) wrong with this. 我下面的内容在技术上是可行的,但是这至少有几处​​错误。

First, it doesn't prevent duplicates being entered. 首先,它不会阻止输入重复项。 For example I can have 'xyz', '4444' and 'test2' appear as JSON entries multiple times. 例如,我可以多次将“ xyz”,“ 4444”和“ test2”作为JSON条目出现。 Is there a way to correct this? 有没有办法纠正这个问题?

Is there a cleaner way to write the actual data entry piece so when I am entering these values into the dictionary it's not directly there in the parentheses? 有没有一种更干净的方法来写入实际的数据输入段,以便当我将这些值输入到字典中时,括号中不直接存在这些值?

Finally, is there a better place to put the JSON piece? 最后,还有更好的放置JSON片段的地方吗? Should it be inside the function? 它应该在函数内部吗?

Just trying to clean this up a bit. 只是尝试清理一下。 Thanks 谢谢

import json

element_dict = {}

def add_entry(name, element, type):

        element_dict["name"] = name
        element_dict["element"] = element
        element_dict["type"] = type
        return element_dict

#add entry
entry = add_entry('xyz', '4444', 'test2')

#export to JSON
with open('elements.json', 'a', encoding="utf-8") as file:
    x = json.dumps(element_dict, indent=4)
    file.write(x + '\n')

There are several questions here. 这里有几个问题。 The main points worth mentioning: 值得一提的要点:

  • Use can use a list to hold your arguments and use *args to unpack when you supply them to add_entry . 在将参数提供给add_entry时,Use可以使用一个list来保存您的参数,并使用*args进行解压缩。
  • To check / avoid duplicates, you can use set to track items already added. 要检查/避免重复,您可以使用set来跟踪已添加的项目。
  • For writing to JSON, now you have a list, you can simply iterate your list and write in one function at the end. 为了编写JSON,现在有了列表,您可以简单地迭代列表并在最后写入一个函数。

Putting these aspects together: 将这些方面放在一起:

import json

res = []
seen = set()

def add_entry(res, name, element, type):

    # check if in seen set
    if (name, element, type) in seen:
        return res

    # add to seen set
    seen.add(tuple([name, element, type]))

    # append to results list
    res.append({'name': name, 'element': element, 'type': type})

    return res

args = ['xyz', '4444', 'test2']

res = add_entry(res, *args)  # add entry - SUCCESS
res = add_entry(res, *args)  # try to add again - FAIL

args2 = ['wxy', '3241', 'test3']

res = add_entry(res, *args2)  # add another - SUCCESS

Result: 结果:


[{'name': 'xyz', 'element': '4444', 'type': 'test2'},
 {'name': 'wxy', 'element': '3241', 'type': 'test3'}]

Writing to JSON via a function: 通过函数写入JSON:

def write_to_json(lst, fn):
    with open(fn, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as file:
        for item in lst:
            x = json.dumps(item, indent=4)
            file.write(x + '\n')

#export to JSON
write_to_json(res, 'elements.json')

you can try this way 你可以这样尝试

import json
import hashlib

def add_entry(name, element, type):
        return {hashlib.md5(name+element+type).hexdigest(): {"name": name, "element": element, "type": type}}

#add entry
entry = add_entry('xyz', '4444', 'test2')

#Update to JSON
with open('my_file.json', 'r') as f:
    json_data = json.load(f)
    print json_data.values() # View Previous entries

with open('elements.json', 'w') as f:

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