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如何将JAR依赖项包含到上述AAR库Gradle 3.0中

[英]How to include JAR dependency into an AAR library gradle 3.0 above

I have same question as in this post How to include JAR dependency into an AAR library but only with Gradle 3.0 above. 我有与本文相同的问题, 如何将JAR依赖项包含到AAR库中,但仅适用于上述Gradle 3.0。 From gradle 3.0 onward, compile configurations have been replaced by api or implementation and same solution as in post above need a new solution. 从gradle 3.0开始,编译配置已被api或实现取代,并且与上述相同的解决方案需要一个新的解决方案。

Please advise. 请指教。

It can be achieved as follows: 可以通过以下方式实现:

dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])

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