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[英]Parsing complex JSON using GSON

I was wondering what would be the most effective way to parse this JSON 我想知道解析此JSON的最有效方法是什么


      "label":"Equipment name",
      "placeholder":"Enter Text here ...",

               "message":"Please enter more text!",
               "message":"Your response was too long!",
         "heading":"New Text Box",


This is just a snippet of my JSON, as the whole thing is pretty long. 这只是我的JSON的摘要,因为整个过程很长。 As you can tell though, it gets a little complicated. 如您所知,它有点复杂。 I'm using GSON to parse, and I am not sure if I should have a class for each object, or if I should just do it manually. 我正在使用GSON进行解析,并且不确定是否应该为每个对象都有一个类,还是应该手动进行处理。 I also need to be able to edit the json and write it to a file. 我还需要能够编辑json并将其写入文件。 Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

use http://www.jsonschema2pojo.org . 使用http://www.jsonschema2pojo.org It will parse your json and create all the required classes 它将解析您的json并创建所有必需的类

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