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Eclipse:导入“现有 Maven 项目”自动创建 EAR 项目

[英]Eclipse: Import "Existing Maven Projects" create EAR project automatically

I have a bizarre behavior with Eclipse when I try to import an existing maven project, it's a multi-module JEE maven project with a parent and sub-modules.当我尝试导入一个现有的 maven 项目时,我对 Eclipse 有一个奇怪的行为,它是一个带有父模块和子模块的多模块 JEE maven 项目。 The structure svn looks like this: svn 的结构如下所示:

  • parent父母
    • ear耳朵
    • webapp1网络应用程序1
    • webapp2网络应用程序2
    • shared-library共享库

When I import the project into Eclipse, it automatically create a "shared-libraryEAR" in the same directory of the "parent" project.当我将项目导入 Eclipse 时,它​​会自动在“父”项目的同一目录中创建一个“共享库EAR”。 It looks something like this after the import:导入后看起来像这样:

  • shared-libraryEAR共享库EAR
  • parent父母
    • ear耳朵
    • webapp1网络应用程序1
    • webapp2网络应用程序2
    • shared-library共享库

It does this for every "jar" maven projects in the workspace.它为工作区中的每个“jar”Maven 项目执行此操作。 It's something normal ?这是正常的事情吗? I use Eclipse Oxygen.2 and Eclipse Neon.3 with WebSphere plugins and the default embedded maven.我使用带有 WebSphere 插件和默认嵌入式 maven 的 Eclipse Oxygen.2 和 Eclipse Neon.3。

I can reproduce the same behavior using the demo project in this Stackoverflow answer: Maven2: Best practice for Enterprise Project (EAR file)我可以使用此 Stackoverflow 答案中的演示项目重现相同的行为: Maven2:企业项目的最佳实践(EAR 文件)

After importing the project into Eclipse Oxygen, I have two new EAR project that did not exist in the original project structure.将项目导入Eclipse Oxygen后,我有两个新的EAR项目,原来的项目结构中不存在。 The structure in Eclipse Enterprise Explorer looks like this after the import:导入后 Eclipse Enterprise Explorer 中的结构如下所示:

  • myproject-application (original ear) ¸ myproject-application(原耳) ¸
  • myproject-business (original ejb) myproject-business(原始 ejb)
  • myproject-common (original jar lib) myproject-common(原始 jar 库)
  • myproject-commonEAR (new EAR) myproject-commonEAR(新 EAR)
  • myproject-persistence (original jar lib) myproject-persistence(原始 jar 库)
  • myproject-persistenceEAR (new EAR) myproject-persistenceEAR(新 EAR)
  • myproject-web (original web module) myproject-web(原始网络模块)
  • parent (original parent project)父(原始父项目)

Result in eclipse: Image capture of Eclipse Enterprise Explorer Eclipse 中的结果: Eclipse Enterprise Explorer 的图像捕获

After importing the projects, I usually just delete the unnecessary EAR projects, but it's kind of annoying, is there a solution?导入项目后,我通常只是删除不必要的EAR项目,但是有点烦人,有什么解决方案吗?


Trying a fresh copy of eclipse (the same version) solved my problem regarding to this case.尝试 eclipse 的新副本(相同版本)解决了我关于这种情况的问题。 I guess, it happened because of a plugin on eclipse.我猜,这是因为 eclipse 上的一个插件。

I had a similar experience and ran across https://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E-WTP/New_and_Noteworthy/1.1.0 .我有过类似的经历,并且遇到了https://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E-WTP/New_and_Noteworthy/1.1.0

m2e-wtp can also be disabled via the m2e.wtp.activation>false in the Maven section of your project pom;xml.也可以通过项目 pom;xml 的 Maven 部分中的 m2e.wtp.activation>false 禁用 m2e-wtp。

I create a new workspace and cloned a fresh copy of my code in a temp directory.我创建了一个新工作区,并在临时目录中克隆了我的代码的新副本。 I then updated the parent pom.xml with the following:然后我用以下内容更新了父 pom.xml:


I then imported Existing Maven Projects and no extra EAR projects.然后我导入了Existing Maven Projects ,没有额外的 EAR 项目。

This ill behaviour is the result of having IBM's WebSphere plugins for Eclipse.这种不良行为是 IBM 为 Eclipse 提供 WebSphere 插件的结果。

Removing these plugins from Eclipse, or starting with a fresh Eclipse install (like the accepted answer suggests), is not sufficient.从 Eclipse 中删除这些插件,或者从全新的 Eclipse 安装开始(如已接受的答案所建议的那样),是不够的。

You will also need to create a new Eclipse workspace.您还需要创建一个新的 Eclipse 工作区。

I haven't got the time yet to figure out why, but that's the only thing that worked for me.我还没有时间弄清楚原因,但这是唯一对我有用的方法。

Preferences>Java EE>Project>Enterprise Application Membership>Add project to an EAR Preferences>Java EE>Project>Enterprise Application Membership>Add project to an EAR

uncheck that checkbox to avoid the creation of EAR projects.取消选中该复选框以避免创建 EAR 项目。

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