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[英]websockets - get message from a websocket server and send it to client

I am trying to learn how websockets work. 我正在尝试学习websockets的工作方式。 I am able to get trading data from a websocket server and print it on the console. 我能够从websocket服务器获取交易数据并将其打印在控制台上。 However, I am trying to understand how I can pass that message into my websocket server so that I can send it to my websocket clients. 但是,我试图了解如何将该消息传递到我的websocket服务器,以便可以将其发送到我的websocket客户端。 Basically, I want to print each message on browser. 基本上,我想在浏览器上打印每条消息。

"use strict";

const WebSocket = require("ws");

const binanceWS = new WebSocket("wss://stream.binance.com:9443/ws/stratbtc@trade");

binanceWS.on("open", function open() {
    console.log("open action");

binanceWS.on("message", function incoming(data) {

Now this binanceWS will print data when it recieves one. 现在,该binanceWS将在binanceWS数据时打印数据。 The thing I am trying to do is how I can pass to the send eventlistener of my WebSocket.Server object. 我正在尝试做的事情是如何传递给WebSocket.Server对象的send eventlistener。 As you can see an example from https://github.com/websockets/ws wss itself takes a websocket object when there is a connection. 您可以从https://github.com/websockets/ws中看到一个示例,当存在连接时,wss本身会使用一个websocket对象。

const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 8080 });

wss.on('connection', function connection(ws) {
  ws.on('message', function incoming(message) {
    console.log('received: %s', message);


Thanks! 谢谢!

NOTE : The structure I am talking about is like this. 注意 :我正在谈论的结构是这样的。 Basically, I will have websocket consumers to get trade data. 基本上,我将让websocket消费者获取交易数据。 And within same host (localhost for now) there will be a websocket server. 在同一主机(目前为localhost)中,将有一个websocket服务器。 This websocket server will send data to each client websockets. 该websocket服务器将向每个客户端websocket发送数据。


SUCCESS : Ok I made it by defining consumer websocket ( binanceWS ) message listener in websocket server connection. 成功 :好的,我是通过在websocket服务器连接中定义使用者websocket( binanceWSmessage侦听器来实现的。 I am not sure if this is a good way though 我不确定这是否是一个好方法

"use strict";

const WebSocket = require("ws");

const binanceWS = new WebSocket("wss://stream.binance.com:9443/ws/stratbtc@trade");

binanceWS.on("open", function open() {
    console.log("open action");

const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 8080 });

wss.on('connection', function connection(ws) {
  ws.on('message', function incoming(message) {
    console.log('received: %s', message);

  binanceWS.on("message", function incoming(data) {

single websocket 单网络套接字

//websocket connection event will return a socket you can later use
binanceWS.on("connection", function(socket) {
    socket.on("message", function incoming(data) {
    // if you want to send that message back to the client who sent it, 
    // you can use send method on the socket

Nesting websocket 嵌套网络套接字

//websocket connection event will return a socket you can later use
binanceWS.on("connection", function(socket) {
    // create another websocket here
    const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 8080 });

    // connect the second websocket
     wss.on("connection", function(ws) {
      // start listening to first websocket incoming messages 
      // if second communication has successully been instantiated 
      socket.on("message", function incoming(data) {
      // send the data using the second websocket

Then you need to have this minimum code in your client and you will see the interaction between the server and your client 然后,您需要在客户端中包含此最小代码,然后您将看到服务器与客户端之间的交互

client 客户

const socket = new WebSocket('server_url'); // Connection opened 
socket.addEventListener('message', function (event) { socket.send('send message'); });

Note : Since you will use the incoming data of a websocket into another, it is best to open the second websocket only if the first one has successfully been opened 注意 :由于您会将WebSocket的传入数据用于另一个WebSocket,因此最好仅在第一个WebSocket成功打开后才打开第二WebSocket

I achieved this my keeping a global list for websocket clients. 我做到了这一点,为Websocket客户保留了一份全球清单。 And when consumer websocket message event is triggered, it sends every client by traversing list. 当消费者websocket消息事件被触发时,它通过遍历列表发送每个客户端。

"use strict";

const WebSocket = require("ws");

const binanceWS = new WebSocket("wss://stream.binance.com:9443/ws/eosbtc@trade");

var websocketList = [];

binanceWS.on("open", function open() {
    console.log("open action");

binanceWS.on("message", function incoming(data) {

    // send data to every websocket client
    websocketList.forEach(ws => {

const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 8080 });

wss.on("connection", function connection(ws) {

    // add ws handle to websocket list.

    ws.on("close", function close() {

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