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在JUnit测试(java)中如何使用Assertj librairy检入数组?

[英]in JUnit test (java) How to check in a array of array with Assertj librairy?

I want use assertj for cheking a data in array contain a other array. 我想使用assertj来检查包含另一个数组的数组中的数据。

accounts: [class AccountResource {
        resourceId: 010001781LV
        bicFi: null
        accountId: null
        name: Livret A Rosalie
        details: LIVRET A
        linkedAccount: null
        usage: PRIV
        cashAccountType: null
        product: LVA
        currency: EUR
        balances: [class BalanceResource {
            name: null
            balanceAmount: class AmountType {
                currency: EUR
                amount: 10000
            balanceType: CLBD
            lastChangeDateTime: null
            referenceDate: 2018-05-31
            lastCommittedTransaction: null
        }, class BalanceResource {
            name: null
            balanceAmount: class AmountType {
                currency: EUR
                amount: 10000
            balanceType: XPCD
            lastChangeDateTime: null
            referenceDate: 2018-05-31
            lastCommittedTransaction: null
        psuStatus: Account Holder
        links: null

My 2 first tests case are OK. 我的两个第一个测试用例都还可以。 I filter on 'resourceId=010001781LV' and I check account.currency=EUR. 我筛选了“ resourceId = 010001781LV”,然后检查了account.currency = EUR。 I filter on 'resourceId=010001781LV' and I check account.balances.size()=2. 我过滤了'resourceId = 010001781LV'并检查account.balances.size()= 2。

        .filteredOn(account -> account.getResourceId().equals("010001781LV"))
        .extracting(account -> account.getCurrency())
        .filteredOn(account -> account.getResourceId().equals("010001781LV"))
        .extracting(account -> account.getBalances().size())

but I want filter on 'resourceId=010001781LV' and filter on 'balances(foreach).balanceType=CLBD' and check balanceAmount=10000. 但是我想在'resourceId = 010001781LV'上过滤并在'balances(foreach).balanceType = CLBD'上过滤并检查balanceAmount = 10000。

I try lambda in other lambda but I need some help : 在其他lambda中尝试使用 lambda, 但我需要一些帮助

    .filteredOn(account -> account.getResourceId().equals("010001781LV"))
    .filteredOn(account -> account.getBalances().forEach(balance -> {
    .extracting(balance -> balance.getBalanceAmount().getAmount())

I have this error on 2nd filteredOn : 我在2nd filteredOn上遇到此错误:

Multiple markers at this line
    - The target type of this expression must be a functional interface
    - The method filteredOn(Condition<? super AccountResource>) in the type AbstractIterableAssert<ListAssert<AccountResource>,List<? 
     extends AccountResource>,AccountResource,ObjectAssert<AccountResource>> is not applicable for the arguments ((<no type> account) -> {})

The point is that expression inside filterOn should return boolean whereas forEach returns void . 关键是filterOn内的filterOn应该返回booleanforEach返回void

Account id should be "DEF" and all "A" balances should have "10" value. 帐户ID应为“ DEF”,所有“ A”余额应为“ 10”。

void test() {
    Account wrongAcc = new Account("ABC", Collections.emptyList());
    Account goodAcc = new Account("DEF", Arrays.asList(
            new Balance("A", "10"),
            new Balance("A", "10"),
            new Balance("B", "20")
    Account wrongBalanceAcc = new Account("DEF", Arrays.asList(
            new Balance("A", "10"),
            new Balance("A", "20"),
            new Balance("B", "20")

    List<Account> accountList = Arrays.asList(wrongAcc, goodAcc, wrongBalanceAcc);

            .filteredOn(acc -> acc.getId().equals("DEF"))
            .filteredOn(acc ->
                            .noneMatch(balance -> balance.getType().equals("A") && !balance.getAmount().equals("10"))

If I am correct the following code does not return a boolean ( forEach does not): 如果我是正确的,则以下代码不会返回布尔值( forEach不会):

account.getBalances().forEach(balance -> {

which means that it is not a valid Predicate to be used in 这意味着它是不是一个有效Predicate中使用

filteredOn(account -> account.getBalances().forEach(balance -> {

I believe java tries to apply filteredOn(Condition) which is not possible. 我相信java尝试应用filteredOn(Condition) ,这是不可能的。

Edit 编辑

If your question is how do I filter account havinn all their balances amount equal to 10000 ? 如果您的问题是我该如何过滤帐户havinn 所有等于10000的余额? then you can use this Predicate (not tested but should be close enough to what you want): 那么您可以使用以下Predicate (未经测试,但应该与所需的Predicate足够接近):

account -> account.getBalances().stream()
                  .map(balance ->  balance.getBalanceAmount().getAmount())
                  .allMatch(amount -> amount.equals("10000"))

See https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/stream/Stream.html#allMatch-java.util.function.Predicate- 参见https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/stream/Stream.html#allMatch-java.util.function.Predicate-

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