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尝试将Python 2.7脚本移植到Python 3.6(队列模块…)时,出现“模块不可调用”错误?

[英]I am getting “module is not callable” error while trying to port Python 2.7 script to Python 3.6 (the queue module…)?

This is what I have in Python 2.7: 这是我在Python 2.7中的功能:

from Queue import Queue
self.queue = Queue()

What I'm trying so far to port to 3.6 looks like this: 到目前为止,我正在尝试移植到3.6的内容如下:

import queue as queue
self.queue = queue()

But I'm getting "module is not callable"? 但是我收到“模块不可调用”的信息吗? I am bit of noob in Python :), it's likely a simple error, thanks! 我在Python中有点菜鸟:),这可能是一个简单的错误,谢谢!

In Python3 use 在Python3中使用

from queue import Queue
self.queue = Queue()


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