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[英]WebRTC sending stream from canvas jams

Well, the problem is very unusual. 好吧,这个问题非常罕见。 I create Angular app to communicate between two Peers via WebRTC. 我创建了Angular应用程序,以通过WebRTC在两个Peer之间进行通信。 The architecture was simple 2 peers which sends video stream from camera and receives stream from other peer. 该体系结构是简单的2个对等方,它们从摄像机发送视频流并从其他对等方接收流。 Simple and working. 简单且有效。

Now I want to add some processing to stream so to first peer I add the canvas element like this: 现在,我想添加一些要处理的流,因此向第一个对等方添加如下所示的canvas元素:

    this.localCameraVideoStream = document.createElement('video');
    this.localCameraVideoStream.srcObject = stream;
    this.localCameraVideoStream.muted = true;

    this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    this.canvas.width = 1280;
    this.canvas.height = 720;
    this.canvasStream = this.canvas.captureStream();

    this.localVideoElement.nativeElement.srcObject = this.canvasStream;
    this.localVideoElement.nativeElement.muted = true;

And redraw method to draw stream from <video> element to canvas: 再绘制方法将流从<video>元素绘制到画布:

 private redrawStreamToCanvas(){
    const ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
    const width = 1280;
    const height = 720;
    const combinedVideoStream = this.localCameraVideoStream;

    function drawVideo() {
      ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
      ctx.drawImage(combinedVideoStream, 0, 0, width, height);


Just to clear any doubts. 只是为了消除任何疑问。 localCameraVideoStream is <video> element created to save camera stream in a way that <canvas> can get stream from <video> . localCameraVideoStream是创建的<video>元素,用于保存摄像机流,而<canvas>可以从<video>获取流。 canvas is <canvas> localVideoElement is just a <video> in .html and displays current "local" stream. canvas是<canvas> localVideoElement只是.html中的<video> ,并显示当前的“本地”流。

Problem is that in local preview everything works properly. 问题在于,在本地预览中,一切正常。 When I send canvasStream to other peer and display it on some <video> I only get one frame and thats it. 当我将canvasStream发送给其他对等方并将其显示在某些<video>我只会得到一帧而已。

Do you know whats hapenning? 你知道什么发生了吗? It's weird that in preview is ok and without this combinations rtc connection is also ok. 奇怪的是,在预览中还可以,没有这种组合,rtc连接也可以。

This is most probably because of a bug [feature] of Chrome , that will pause muted <video> once they get out of the viewport. 这很可能是由于Chrome的 [功能] 错误 ,一旦他们离开视口,它们就会暂停静音的 <video>

If it is indeed the case, this has nothing to do with the MediaStream, and already just happens in the drawing-to-canvas operation: 如果确实如此,那么这与MediaStream无关,并且已经在“ 绘制画布”操作中发生:

 var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); if ((videoin.buffered && !videoin.buffered.length) || videoin.paused) { videoin.onloadedmetadata = videoin.onplaying = begin; } else { begin(); } function begin() { videoin.onloadedmetadata = videoin.onplaying = null; canvas.width = videoin.videoWidth; canvas.height = videoin.videoHeight; drawToCanvas(); } function drawToCanvas() { ctx.drawImage(videoin, 0, 0); requestAnimationFrame(drawToCanvas); } 
 body { margin-bottom: 100vh; } 
 <p> Scroll down until the &lt;video&gt; element be out. </p> <video crossorigin id="videoin" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/2/22/Volcano_Lava_Sample.webm/Volcano_Lava_Sample.webm.360p.webm" muted autoplay></video> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> 

So if you didn't set the muted property, it would have worked: 因此,如果您未设置muted属性,则可以使用:

 var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); if ((videoin.buffered && !videoin.buffered.length) || videoin.paused) { videoin.onloadedmetadata = videoin.onplaying = begin; } else { begin(); } function begin() { videoin.volume = 0; // does the same you'd say? videoin.onloadedmetadata = videoin.onplaying = null; canvas.width = videoin.videoWidth; canvas.height = videoin.videoHeight; drawToCanvas(); } function drawToCanvas() { ctx.drawImage(videoin, 0, 0); requestAnimationFrame(drawToCanvas); } 
 body { margin-bottom: 100vh; } 
 <p> Scroll down until the &lt;video&gt; element be out. </p> <video crossorigin id="videoin" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/2/22/Volcano_Lava_Sample.webm/Volcano_Lava_Sample.webm.360p.webm" autoplay></video> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> 

Or even, if you didn't appended it in the document, it would also have worked (after an user-gesture..). 甚至,即使您没有将其附加在文档中,它也可以正常工作(在用户手势之后。)。

 var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var videoin = document.createElement('video'); videoin.onloadedmetadata = videoin.onplaying = begin; videoin.muted = true; // even if 'muted' videoin.src = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/2/22/Volcano_Lava_Sample.webm/Volcano_Lava_Sample.webm.360p.webm'; function begin() { videoin.onplay = null; canvas.width = videoin.videoWidth; canvas.height = videoin.videoHeight; drawToCanvas(); } function drawToCanvas() { ctx.drawImage(videoin, 0, 0); requestAnimationFrame(drawToCanvas); } play_btn.onclick = e => { videoin.play(); } 
 <button id="play_btn">click to start playing the video</button> <p> This contains only the canvas element </p> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> 

Now, I can't refrain from saying in this answer that you must have already initialized your canvas context (and even probably have already drawn on it) before calling its captureStream method. 现在,我不禁在这个答案中说,在调用它的captureStream方法之前,您必须已经初始化了画布上下文(甚至可能已经在其上绘制过)。 Failing to do this will result in an NS Exception in Firefox, and IIRC it is in accordance with the specs. 否则,将导致Firefox中出现NS异常,并且IIRC符合规范。

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