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dplyr if_else() 与基础 R ifelse()

[英]dplyr if_else() vs base R ifelse()

I am fairly proficient within the Tidyverse, but have always used ifelse() instead of dplyr if_else() .我对 Tidyverse 相当精通,但一直使用ifelse()而不是 dplyr if_else() I want to switch this behavior and default to always using dplyr::if_else() and deprecating ifelse() from my code.我想切换此行为并默认始终使用dplyr::if_else()并从我的代码中弃用ifelse()

Is there any reason not to do this?有什么理由不这样做吗? Would this likely get me into trouble?这可能会给我带来麻烦吗? I'll spare you the details, but recently, not using if_else() screwed me up, when I unknowingly created a column of character matrices in my data analysis.我会为您省去细节,但最近,当我在数据分析中不知不觉地创建了一列字符矩阵时,不使用if_else()把我搞砸了。 If I switch to always using if_else() I hope to avoid this issue in the future.如果我切换到总是使用if_else()我希望将来避免这个问题。

if_else is more strict. if_else更严格。 It checks that both alternatives are of the same type and otherwise throws an error, while ifelse will promote types as necessary.它检查两个选项是否属于相同类型,否则会抛出错误,而ifelse将根据需要提升类型。 This may be a benefit in some circumstances, but may otherwise break scripts if you don't check for errors or explicitly force type conversion.这在某些情况下可能是一个好处,但如果您不检查错误或明确强制类型转换,则可能会破坏脚本。 For example:例如:

[1] "a" "a" "3"
Error: `false` must be type character, not double

Another reason to choose if_else over ifelse is that ifelse turns Date into numeric objects选择if_else不是ifelse另一个原因是ifelseDate转换为numeric对象

Dates <- as.Date(c('2018-10-01', '2018-10-02', '2018-10-03'))
new_Dates <- ifelse(Dates == '2018-10-02', Dates + 1, Dates)

#>  num [1:3] 17805 17807 17807

if_else is also faster than ifelse . if_else也比ifelse

Note that when testing multiple conditions, the code would be more readable and less error-prone if we use case_when .请注意,在测试多个条件时,如果我们使用case_when ,代码将更具可读性且不易出错。


  Dates == '2018-10-01' ~ Dates - 1,
  Dates == '2018-10-02' ~ Dates + 1,
  Dates == '2018-10-03' ~ Dates + 2,
  TRUE ~ Dates

#> [1] "2018-09-30" "2018-10-03" "2018-10-05"

Created on 2018-06-01 by the reprex package (v0.2.0).reprex 包(v0.2.0) 于2018年 6 月 1 日创建。

I'd also add that if_else() can attribute a value in case of NA , which is a handy way of adding an extra condition.我还要补充一点, if_else()可以在NA情况下赋予一个值,这是添加额外条件的一种方便的方法。

df <- data_frame(val = c(80, 90, NA, 110))
df %>% mutate(category = if_else(val < 100, 1, 2, missing = 9))

#     val category
#   <dbl>    <dbl>
# 1    80        1
# 2    90        1
# 3    NA        9
# 4   110        2

Another important reason for preferring if_else() to ifelse() is checking for consistency in lengths.ifelse()更喜欢if_else()另一个重要原因是检查长度的一致性。 See this dangerous gotcha:看到这个危险的陷阱:

> tibble(x = 1:3, y = ifelse(TRUE, x, 4:6))
# A tibble: 3 x 2
      x     y
  <int> <int>
1     1     1
2     2     1
3     3     1

Compare with与之比较

> tibble(x = 1:3, y = if_else(TRUE, x, 4:6))
    Error: `true` must be length 1 (length of `condition`), not 3.

The intention in both cases is clearly for column y to equal x or to equal 4:6 acording to the value of a single (scalar) logical variable;两种情况下的意图显然都是根据单个(标量)逻辑变量的值,使y列等于x或等于4:6 ifelse() silently truncates its output to length 1, which is then silently recycled. ifelse()静默将其输出截断为长度 1,然后静默回收。 if_else() catches what is almost certainly an error at source. if_else()从源头捕获几乎可以肯定的错误。

Sometimes I prefer ifelse because it does not evaluate the false statement.有时我更喜欢ifelse因为它不会评估错误的陈述。 When you raise error if the condition is not TRUE, you have to use a simple if , or ifelse .如果条件不是 TRUE,则当您引发错误时,您必须使用简单的ififelse


df <- data.frame(a = c(1, 2))
df %>% mutate(shp = ifelse(
    length(a) >= 3,
    round(shapiro.test(a)[["p.value"]], 3L),
  a shp
1 1  NA
2 2  NA
df %>% mutate(shp = if_else(
    length(a) >= 3,
    round(shapiro.test(a)[["p.value"]], 3L),
Error in `mutate()`:
! Problem while computing `shp = if_else(...)`.
Caused by error in `shapiro.test()`:
! sample size must be between 3 and 5000
Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.

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