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[英]dynamically add rows to rhandsontable in shiny and R

I'm trying to create an app which ultimately needs the mean and sd of a protein's concentration on the log scale . 我正在尝试创建一个应用程序,最终需要蛋白质浓度的平均值和sd 在对数标度上 Since the log-scale values are almost never reported, I've found references which allow me to approximate log-scale using commonly available data (the mean + sd, median + range, median + IQR, 5 point summary, etc.). 由于对数标度值几乎从未报告过,我发现参考文献允许我使用常用​​数据(平均值+标准差,中位数+范围,中位数+ IQR,5点摘要等)来近似对数标度。

Users will enter the data using a table currently implemented using rhandsontable until I've added enough error handling to accommodate CSV files, and I want to limit the columns displayed in this table so that it's not overwhelming. 用户将使用当前使用rhandsontable实现的表输入数据,直到我添加了足够的错误处理以容纳CSV文件,并且我想限制此表中显示的列,以便它不会让人不知所措。 This I have done, as can be seen from the following reproducible example. 我已经完成了这一点,从以下可重现的例子中可以看出。


make_DF <- function(n) {
  DF <- data_frame(
    entry = 1:n,
    protein = NA_character_,
    MW = NA_real_,
    n = NA_integer_,
    mean = NA_real_,
    sd = NA_real_,
    se = NA_real_,
    min = NA_real_,
    q1 = NA_real_,
    median = NA_real_,
    q3 = NA_real_,
    max = NA_real_,
    log_mean = NA_real_,
    log_sd = NA_real_,
    log_min = NA_real_,
    log_q1 = NA_real_,
    log_median = NA_real_,
    log_q3 = NA_real_,
    log_max = NA_real_,
    units = factor("ng/mL", levels  = c("pg/mL", "ng/mL", 'mcg/mL', 'mg/mL', 'g/mL')

ui <- fluidPage(
        "The data consists of",
        c("Mean and standard deviation" = "mean_sd",
          "Mean and standard error" = "mean_se",
          "Mean and standard deviation (log scale)" = "log_mean_sd",
          "Mean and standard error (log scale)" = "log_mean_se",
          "Median, min, and max" =  "median_range",
          "Median, Q1, and Q3" = 'median_iqr',
          "Five point summary" = 'five_point'
          # "Other combination" = 'other')
      # p("Please note that selecting 'other' may result in invalid combinations."),
      # titlePanel("Number of Entries"),
        "Number of Concentrations to estimate:",
        value = 1,
        min = 1),
      actionButton("update_table", "Update Table")
    rHandsontableOutput("input_data") )

server <- function(input, output) {
  # create or update the data frame by adding some rows
  DF <- eventReactive(input$update_table, {
    DF_new <- make_DF(input$n_entries)

    # if a table does not already exist, this is our DF
    if (input$update_table == 1) {
    } else { # otherwise, we will append the new data frame to the old.

      tmp_df <- hot_to_r(input$input_data)
      return(rbind(tmp_df, DF_new))

  # determine which variables to show based on user input
  shown_variables <- eventReactive(input$update_table, {
    unique(unlist(lapply(input$data_format, function(x) {
        "mean_sd" = c('mean', 'sd'),
        "mean_se" = c('mean', 'se'),
        'log_mean_sd' = c("log_mean", 'log_sd'),
        "log_mean_se" = c('log_mean', 'log_se'),
        "median_range" = c('median','min', 'max'),
        'median_IQR' = c("median", 'q1','q3'),
        "five_point" = c('median', 'min', 'q1', 'q3', 'max'))

  # # finally, set up table for data entry
  observeEvent(input$update_table, {
    DF_shown <- DF()[c('protein', 'MW', 'n', shown_variables(), "units")]
    output$test_output <- renderTable(DF())
    output$input_data <- renderRHandsontable({rhandsontable(DF_shown)})

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

I also want to be able to dynamically change which fields are displayed without losing data. 我还希望能够动态更改显示哪些字段而不会丢失数据。 For example, suppose the user enters data for 5 proteins where the mean and sd are available. 例如,假设用户输入5种蛋白质的数据,其中均值和sd可用。 Then, the user has 3 more where the median and range are reported. 然后,用户还有3个报告中位数和范围的地方。 If the user deselects mean/sd when median/range are selected, the current working code will lose the mean and standard deviation. 如果用户在选择中位数/范围时取消选择mean / sd,则当前工作代码将失去平均值和标准差。 In the context of what I'm doing now, that means I need to effectively perform an rbind using DF() and the newly requested rows. 在我现在正在做的事情的背景下,这意味着我需要使用DF()和新请求的行有效地执行rbind This is giving me errors: 这给了我错误:

# infinite loop error
server <- function(input, output) {
  # create or update the data frame by adding some rows
  DF <- eventReactive(input$update_table, {
    DF_new <- make_DF(input$n_entries)

    # if a table does not already exist, this is our DF
    if (input$update_table == 1) {
    } else { # otherwise, we will append the new data frame to the old.

      tmp_df <- hot_to_r(input$input_data)
      return(rbind(DF(), DF_new))

  # determine which variables to show based on user input
  shown_variables <- eventReactive(input$update_table, {
    unique(unlist(lapply(input$data_format, function(x) {
        "mean_sd" = c('mean', 'sd'),
        "mean_se" = c('mean', 'se'),
        'log_mean_sd' = c("log_mean", 'log_sd'),
        "log_mean_se" = c('log_mean', 'log_se'),
        "median_range" = c('median','min', 'max'),
        'median_IQR' = c("median", 'q1','q3'),
        "five_point" = c('median', 'min', 'q1', 'q3', 'max'))

  # # finally, set up table for data entry
  observeEvent(input$update_table, {
    DF_shown <- DF()[c('protein', 'MW', 'n', shown_variables(), "units")]
    output$test_output <- renderTable(DF())
    output$input_data <- renderRHandsontable({rhandsontable(DF_shown)})

I've seen other individuals with similar issues (eg Append a reactive data frame in shiny R ), but there doesn't appear to be an accepted answer yet. 我见过其他有类似问题的人(例如在闪亮的R中添加一个反应数据框 ),但似乎还没有接受的答案。 Any ideas on solutions or work-arounds? 关于解决方案或解决方案的任何想法? I'm open to any ideas that allow users to limit which fields are visible, but keep all entered data whether or not it is actually displayed. 我愿意接受任何允许用户限制哪些字段可见的想法,但保留所有输入的数据,无论它是否实际显示。

Thanks to Joe Cheng and Hao Wu and their answers on github ( https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/issues/2083 ), the solution is to use the reactiveValues function to store the data frame. 感谢Joe Cheng和Hao Wu以及他们在github上的回答( https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/issues/2083 ),解决方案是使用reactiveValues函数来存储数据框。 As I understand their explanation, the problem is occurring because (unlike traditional data frames), the reactive data frame DF() never finishes calculating. 据我了解他们的解释,问题正在发生,因为(与传统数据帧不同),反应数据帧DF()永远不会完成计算。

Here's a working solution to the based on their answers: 基于他们的答案,这是一个有效的解决方案:


make_DF <- function(n) {
  DF <- data_frame(
    entry = 1:n,
    protein = NA_character_,
    MW = NA_real_,
    n = NA_integer_,
    mean = NA_real_,
    sd = NA_real_,
    se = NA_real_,
    min = NA_real_,
    q1 = NA_real_,
    median = NA_real_,
    q3 = NA_real_,
    max = NA_real_,
    log_mean = NA_real_,
    log_sd = NA_real_,
    log_min = NA_real_,
    log_q1 = NA_real_,
    log_median = NA_real_,
    log_q3 = NA_real_,
    log_max = NA_real_,
    units = factor("ng/mL", levels  = c("pg/mL", "ng/mL", 'mcg/mL', 'mg/mL', 'g/mL')

ui <- fluidPage(
          "The data consists of",
          c("Mean and standard deviation" = "mean_sd",
            "Mean and standard error" = "mean_se",
            "Mean and standard deviation (log scale)" = "log_mean_sd",
            "Mean and standard error (log scale)" = "log_mean_se",
            "Median, min, and max" =  "median_range",
            "Median, Q1, and Q3" = 'median_iqr',
            "Five point summary" = 'five_point'
            # "Other combination" = 'other')
        # p("Please note that selecting 'other' may result in invalid combinations."),
        # titlePanel("Number of Entries"),
          "Number of Concentrations to estimate:",
          value = 1,
          min = 1),
        actionButton("update_table", "Update Table")
      rHandsontableOutput("input_data") )

server <- function(input, output) {
  # create or update the data frame by adding some rows
  values <- reactiveValues()

  observeEvent(input$update_table, {

    # determine which variables to show based on user input
    values$shown_variables <- unique(unlist(lapply(input$data_format, function(x) {
        "mean_sd" = c('mean', 'sd'),
        "mean_se" = c('mean', 'se'),
        'log_mean_sd' = c("log_mean", 'log_sd'),
        "log_mean_se" = c('log_mean', 'log_se'),
        "median_range" = c('median','min', 'max'),
        'median_IQR' = c("median", 'q1','q3'),
        "five_point" = c('median', 'min', 'q1', 'q3', 'max'))

    # if a table does not already exist, this is our DF
    if (input$update_table == 1) {
      values$df <- make_DF(input$n_entries)
    } else { # otherwise,  append the new data frame to the old.
      tmp_data <- hot_to_r(input$input_data)
      values$df[,names(tmp_data)] <- tmp_data

      values$df <- bind_rows(values$df, make_DF(input$n_entries))

    # finally, set up table for data entry
    DF_shown <- values$df[c('protein', 'MW', 'n', values$shown_variables, "units")]
    output$test_output <- renderTable(values$df)
    output$input_data <- renderRHandsontable({rhandsontable(DF_shown)})


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

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